As part of Project and Program Management, TÜNAŞ reflects its expertise gained from projects and programs conducted in the nuclear ecosystem onto all of its projects, paying due attention to nuclear safety and the graded approach.
In this context, TÜNAŞ carries out studies on planning, management and supervision of nuclear energy related projects (site suitability, site selection, environmental and social impact assessment, economic impact assessment), including owner’s engineering services as well as preparation of technical specifications for the Sinop NPP Project; and conducts studies on the pre-feasibility and feasibility evaluation of all types of NPP projects (large-scale, SMR, IV. Generation, research reactors) and on the planning and management of nuclear R&D projects.
With respect to Supplier Development, TÜNAŞ undertakes activities such as the identification of localization areas, estimation of investment needs, formulation of potential business models for localization and monitoring of the domestic supply chain, with the objective of establishing a strategy for localization, technology transfer and supplier development for Sinop NPP Project and other NPP new build projects.
The infrastructure required to support the establishment of an NPP covers a wide range of elements, including physical facilities, equipment, network, legislation, training, etc.. As for Nuclear Infrastructure Development, TÜNAŞ conducts studies related to the development of Türkiye's nuclear program infrastructure, national nuclear policy, nuclear strategic plan as well as the nuclear R&D strategy, and studies supporting the preparation of intergovernmental agreements and the organizational development and structuring of the nuclear ecosystem.