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01/About Us

Türkiye Nuclear Energy Company (TÜNAŞ), a subsidiary of EÜAŞ, a state-owned enterprise (SOE) under the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, was established in 2022 by transferring the assets of the company EUAS International ICC, which was originally founded abroad in 2015.

EUAS International ICC was established in the Jersey Channel Islands by the Council of Ministers’ Decision No. 2015/8022. The purpose of EUAS International ICC is “to carry out the activities determined within the framework of international agreements and the activities determined by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources to be carried out domestically before international agreements; and the activities abroad for the production and trade of electrical energy and fuel and waste management (such as the establishment, operation, maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of power plants, electricity trade, fuel and waste management)”.

In accordance with the Additional Article 1 of the Natural Gas Market Law No. 4646 and in accordance with the Presidential Decision dated 20 April 2022 and numbered 5473, in order to take over the equity of EUAS International ICC which was established in Jersey in 2015; it was decided to establish a Company with the name EUAS International A.Ş. in Türkiye. In this context, EUAS International A.Ş., whose entire capital belongs to Elektrik Üretim A.Ş., was registered in Ankara Chamber of Commerce on 9 August 2022. The process of transferring EUAS International ICC to EUAS International A.Ş. was completed as of 30 November 2022, and subsequently, EUAS International ICC was dissolved from the Jersey Financial Services Commission on 05 December 2022.

Since it does not fully cover the main purpose and duties of our Company, it was required to amend the articles of association. The amendment text of the articles of association was announced in the Trade Registry Gazette dated 19 December 2022 and numbered 10728, and the Company name of EUAS International A.Ş. was changed to Türkiye Nükleer Enerji A.Ş. (TÜNAŞ).

The main duty of our Company is to realize the construction, operation, maintenance and repair of nuclear power plants to be established in our country together with international project partners by using and developing our local industry and human resources capacity.

Our Vision

To carry out technology transfer and become the leading company of our country in the field of nuclear energy by developing competencies in the light of our corporate values.

Our Mission

Developing projects in the field of nuclear energy and becoming self-sufficient in the entire life cycle of nuclear power plants, including their construction, operation and decommissioning.

Our Values





Commitment to the Environment and People