TÜNAŞ senior management and employees demonstrate their commitment to the Ethical Principles through the methods listed below:
Respect for Human Rights:
- To show due diligence in treating all our employees equally and being fair,
- Not allowing discrimination for whatever reason,
- To provide our employees with a healthy and positive working environment, with a focus on safety,
- To provide equal opportunity to our employees by taking merit as a basis in all kinds of role changes such as appointments, promotions, rotations and rewards,
- To provide the necessary support for the individual development and training of our employees,
- Encouraging our employees to achieve better results and reach our set goals,
- Create a working environment that is transparency mutual respect,
- Giving importance to open communication and active listening,
- Demonstrating a positive, constructive attitude towards our employees and stakeholders in line with our values and corporate identity,
- Not tolerating any form of violence and abuse.
Compliance with Legal Legislation:
- To act in accordance with the law in our activities and to act in accordance with our Ethical Principles in cases where the legislation is unclear,
- To take necessary measures to comply with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data,
- To respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of our employees and stakeholders and to show due diligence,
- Not to share the acquired corporate, personal and financial information with unauthorized persons/agencies within and outside the organization.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption:
- Adhering to the principle of honesty in our work and activities and avoiding acts of bribery and corruption,
- Not accepting or offering any gift or entertainment that may create the impression of an irregularity that may affect the decision-making process, or that may cause or be perceived to cause a relationship of dependency.
Combating Theft and Plagiarism:
- Not allowing acts of fraud, deceit, theft and plagiarism,
- Expecting all our employees to respect, protect and properly use the property of TÜNAŞ and its stakeholders.
Conflict of Interest:
- Avoiding the misuse of our titles or authorities to obtain benefits for ourselves or our relatives,
- Not using any company resources, including weekly working hours, directly or indirectly for personal purposes.
Compliance with Competition Law:
- Except for the limits permitted by the legislation, not to engage in agreements and behaviors with competitors or other persons or organizations, directly or indirectly, with the aim of preventing, distorting or restricting competition, or that have or may have this effect,
- Not to obtain or use information on competitors by methods not stipulated by the legislation.
Ethical Relations with Stakeholders:
- To treat all stakeholders equally and fairly,
- Keeping our communication channels with our stakeholders open and taking their complaints and suggestions into consideration,
- To comply with the rules of confidentiality in our visits and audits to our stakeholders,
- Expecting our stakeholders to comply with relevant laws and regulations.
Occupational Health, Safety and Environment:
- To provide our employees with a safe and hygienic working environment, taking into account the knowledge that industrial and other hazards prevail,
- To reduce our negative impacts on the environment and to expect the same approach from all our stakeholders.