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Company Policies

Company Policies

In order to ensure nuclear safety, TÜNAŞ senior management and employees demonstrate their commitment to nuclear safety culture requirements through the methods listed below:

  • To be aware of the special and unique properties of nuclear energy and to be aware of the possible effects of the studies on these properties,
  • Ensure that contractors and subcontractors involved in projects pay due attention to nuclear safety, taking into account the complexity of managing nuclear facilities or nuclear power plant projects,
  • To be aware of the importance of national and international cooperation, which must be realized through open and transparent communication, in ensuring a culture of nuclear safety, and to ensure the sharing of experience by developing the necessary cooperation,
  • To be aware of the conditions/situations that may lead to negative consequences with a state of constant vigilance and to report these conditions/situations and present them to senior management,
  • Conducting systematic, transparent and planned nuclear safety culture self-assessments at least once a year, covering all employees.

Within the scope of the Integrated Management System, TÜNAŞ senior management and employees demonstrate their commitment to the requirements of management systems through the methods listed below:

  • To establish, implement and continuously improve a management system that prioritizes nuclear safety and meets the requirements of legislation, national and international standards,
  • Ensure that the management system adopts the principles of management leadership, process approach, graduated approach and risk-based thinking,
  • To ensure that the management system processes are in line with the objectives and goals for which TÜNAŞ was established,
  • Monitor, audit and continuously improve the management system,
  • Identify and manage risks and opportunities for each of the management system processes,
  • Sustaining the approach to safety and quality through the leadership of managers,
  • To act in accordance with the requirements of the Integrated Management System policies, processes and procedures,
  • To record all activities within the Integrated Management System with the principle of write what you do and implement what you write,
  • Treating management principles not as individual parts, but as a whole, functioning in interaction with each other,
  • To reflect the principle of customer orientation in all processes of the Integrated Management System, to care about customer satisfaction and to take the necessary measures to increase customer satisfaction,
  • To create, develop, protect and share nuclear knowledge; to grow the nuclear sector in our country by prioritizing security and to use human, technology and process elements effectively, to extract and disseminate the lessons learned for the effective management of knowledge accumulation,
  • To develop, implement and continuously improve the processes required to ensure that the Integrated Management System complies with national and international information security standards,
  • Raising awareness of suppliers on developing a culture of nuclear safety and security and auditing their management systems.

Within the scope of Environmental and Waste Management activities, TÜNAŞ senior management and employees demonstrate their commitment to Environmental and Waste Management requirements through the methods listed below:

  • To comply with and ensure compliance with legal and national environmental legislation, the obligations arising from this legislation, and the requirements of customers, suppliers and other third parties whose compliance obligations are accepted by us,
  • Protecting natural resources, using resources efficiently, increasing recycling and recovery within the scope of zero waste approach,
  • Taking necessary measures to reduce or eliminate environmental impacts,
  • To ensure responsible use of energy by increasing energy efficiency in all activities.

For the effective protection of the environment:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change,
  • Reducing water consumption, 
  • Reducing the amount of waste,
  • Ensuring that waste is recycled,
  • To cooperate with the relevant parties involved in environmental and waste management in all our fields of activity,
  • Recognizing that the world's resources are not infinite, taking the necessary actions not as an obligation but as a responsibility to leave a carefully preserved environment for the future,
  • To evaluate all risks and opportunities related to the environment with a life cycle approach in our activities, to take the necessary actions to achieve the goals and targets for environmental improvements and to review them periodically,
  • To set environmental targets for our fields of activity, determine environmental performance indicators, monitor and continuously improve them,
  • To increase awareness and sensitivity by ensuring that our policy is understood and adopted by our stakeholders and employees,
  • Organizing training programs to instill environmental awareness in our employees, to ensure the formation of an environmental culture as an element of safety culture and to increase environmental responsibility,
  • To work to inform the society and increase its awareness.

TÜNAŞ senior management and employees demonstrate their commitment to the Ethical Principles through the methods listed below:

Respect for Human Rights:

  • To show due diligence in treating all our employees equally and being fair,
  • Not allowing discrimination for whatever reason,
  • To provide our employees with a healthy and positive working environment, with a focus on safety,
  • To provide equal opportunity to our employees by taking merit as a basis in all kinds of role changes such as appointments, promotions, rotations and rewards,
  • To provide the necessary support for the individual development and training of our employees,
  • Encouraging our employees to achieve better results and reach our set goals,
  • Create a working environment that is transparency mutual respect,
  • Giving importance to open communication and active listening,
  • Demonstrating a positive, constructive attitude towards our employees and stakeholders in line with our values and corporate identity,
  • Not tolerating any form of violence and abuse.

Compliance with Legal Legislation:

  • To act in accordance with the law in our activities and to act in accordance with our Ethical Principles in cases where the legislation is unclear,
  • To take necessary measures to comply with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data,
  • To respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of our employees and stakeholders and to show due diligence,
  • Not to share the acquired corporate, personal and financial information with unauthorized persons/agencies within and outside the organization.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption:

  • Adhering to the principle of honesty in our work and activities and avoiding acts of bribery and corruption,
  • Not accepting or offering any gift or entertainment that may create the impression of an irregularity that may affect the decision-making process, or that may cause or be perceived to cause a relationship of dependency.

Combating Theft and Plagiarism:

  • Not allowing acts of fraud, deceit, theft and plagiarism,
  • Expecting all our employees to respect, protect and properly use the property of TÜNAŞ and its stakeholders.

Conflict of Interest:

  • Avoiding the misuse of our titles or authorities to obtain benefits for ourselves or our relatives,
  • Not using any company resources, including weekly working hours, directly or indirectly for personal purposes.

Compliance with Competition Law:

  • Except for the limits permitted by the legislation, not to engage in agreements and behaviors with competitors or other persons or organizations, directly or indirectly, with the aim of preventing, distorting or restricting competition, or that have or may have this effect,
  • Not to obtain or use information on competitors by methods not stipulated by the legislation.

Ethical Relations with Stakeholders:

  • To treat all stakeholders equally and fairly,
  • Keeping our communication channels with our stakeholders open and taking their complaints and suggestions into consideration,
  • To comply with the rules of confidentiality in our visits and audits to our stakeholders,
  • Expecting our stakeholders to comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Occupational Health, Safety and Environment:

  • To provide our employees with a safe and hygienic working environment, taking into account the knowledge that industrial and other hazards prevail,
  • To reduce our negative impacts on the environment and to expect the same approach from all our stakeholders.

Within the scope of Information Security activities, TÜNAŞ senior management and employees demonstrate their commitment to the requirements of systematic management and protection of information assets (products, software, hardware, organizational information, etc.) and information on all activities by the methods listed below:

  • To protect, store and continuously improve the information and information systems owned by TÜNAŞ by adhering to the principles of confidentiality, integrity and accessibility within the scope of the Information Security Management System,
  • To ensure that our business processes fulfill the requirements of the Information Security Management System and comply with the sub-policies, procedures and instructions prepared within this scope,
  • To anticipate possible violations and events that may interrupt business continuity and prevent them from occurring, and if they cannot be prevented, to minimize the disruption in the workflow by activating business continuity plans,
  • To comply with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and all legal regulations related to information security,
  • Identify and systematically manage risks to information and access to information assets,
  • To determine in advance the risks of damage that may arise from the loss of his/her information and its sharing without his/her permission, and to take precautions against these,
  • To ensure the establishment and execution of the necessary systems to prevent information security breaches,
  • Continuously raise awareness by providing trainings to employees,
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of stakeholder information,
  • To ensure that stakeholders are aware of the Information Security Management System,
  • To provide the necessary physical environment for the protection of information and information systems.

Within the scope of Safety, Security and Nuclear Assurance, TÜNAŞ senior management and employees demonstrate their commitment to the requirements for these by the methods listed below:

  • Verify the conformity of the design and quality of nuclear facilities or nuclear power plant projects and their associated equipment.
  • Ensure safety inspection of all structures, systems and components, ensuring their physical protection both in fixed areas and during transportation,
  • To provide a comprehensive system of physical protection and security measures, including integrated administrative, technical and organizational measures, for equipment and materials and other nuclear materials specially designed or prepared for Nuclear Facilities and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle,
  • To conduct regular exercises on nuclear security,
  • In case of any malicious attempt or suspicion of such an attempt, to make the relevant reports, to state the reasons and to immediately report the situation to the relevant institutions,
  • To regulate access to sensitive information, systems, hardware or components related to the nuclear facilities of which TÜNAŞ is the founder within the framework of the relevant national and international legislation and to take the necessary measures,
  • Notifying the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the activities carried out regarding nuclear materials, which is one of its primary responsibilities related to nuclear assurance,
  • To keep operating and counting records for special nuclear materials, and to make their reporting and notifications,
  • To fulfill all necessary obligations in relation to international agreements for the control of special nuclear materials,
  • Adopt a Safety, Security and Nuclear Assurance approach and comply with the principles of information security.

Within the scope of corporate communication activities and in all communications, TÜNAŞ senior management and employees demonstrate their commitment to communication requirements through the following methods:

  • To be aware that communication is an integral part of corporate identity and corporate social responsibility processes,
  • To realize communication in line with TÜNAŞ vision, mission and values,
  • To maintain a communication approach that is compatible with all relevant laws, regulations, national and international standards, including those related to nuclear safety and security,
  • Recognizing that one of the most important elements of nuclear security culture is open and transparent communication, to maintain communication in this direction,
  • Ensure that the management system includes processes for communication practices, including internal and external communication, with clear guidelines for all employees, contractors and stakeholders,
  • Ensure that communication is accurate, timely and transparent,
  • Responding to employee questions with the right communication method; developing, implementing, monitoring and continuously improving processes to manage employee complaints, emergency communication and crisis situations,
  • Prepare guidelines on the use of social media and other digital communication platforms, including privacy and security standards,
  • Ensuring that all communication materials, including written, visual and verbal communication, comply with the company's corporate identity rules,
  • To outline the training and education requirements for communication practices for all TÜNAŞ employees and stakeholders.

Within the scope of human resources activities, TÜNAŞ management and employees demonstrate their commitment to human resources management requirements through the following methods:

  • Placing candidates in the most suitable position in the field of nuclear energy, to ensure and increase employees’ satisfaction, to create working environments that are suitable for the preferences and experience of employees and providing training opportunities for employees to reach global competence and experience,
  • Monitoring the personal and career development processes and competencies of employees’ by considering strategic goals, qualification and performance system results,
  • Carefully conducting employee engagement and employer branding efforts to build and maintain a qualified workforce in the nuclear energy sector.
  • Recruiting high-potential employees who align with the TÜNAŞ corporate culture and support the achievement of corporate goals, ensuring the recruitment process align with the talent management system.
  • Planning personalized training programs that align with the personal and professional development processes of TÜNAŞ employees.
  • Effectively utilizing career management, talent management, and performance management processes to ensure fair promotions and appointments.

Within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) activities, TÜNAŞ management and employees demonstrate their commitment to OHS requirements through the following methods:

  • Establishing an applicable, sustainable and continuously improving OHS management system that meets the requirements of legislation, national and international standards,
  • Preventing occupational injuries, occupational diseases, health issues, and hazardous incidents arising from work,
  • Providing TÜNAŞ employees and stakeholders with necessary training opportunities, resources, and guidance within the framework of OHS systems and legislations,
  • Identifying risks, hazards, and opportunities associated with OHS management system processes in accordance with TÜNAŞ's business model, structure, and legal obligations; implementing and supervising appropriate physical, psychological, structural, and preventive measures,
  • Establishing emergency teams and first aid teams; conducting emergency drills with the participation of all employees and recording them,
  • Preparing emergency evacuation plans for emergencies such as fires and earthquakes; ensuring that emergency teams are informed about emergencies in a timely manner and that team members work in coordination in emergencies,
  • To determine, measure and analyze performance evaluation criteria for TÜNAŞ OHS management system,
  • Performing incident reporting for the OHS management system, conducting investigations and identifying and developing the necessary methods to eliminate nonconformities and supervising their implementation.

Within the scope of procurement activities, TÜNAŞ management and employees demonstrate their commitment to localization and procurement requirements through the following methods:

  • Developing procurement and purchasing activities in accordance with legislation, national and international standards; implementing them within the Integrated Management System and ensuring continuous improvement,
  • Ensuring that contractors and subcontractors involved in projects pay due attention to nuclear safety, taking into account the complexity of managing nuclear facilities or nuclear power plant projects,
  • Establishing systems to prevent the entry of suspected to be counterfeit, fraudulent, or questionable into the system,
  • Utilizing existing industrial capabilities to the highest level, maximizing emerging capabilities, and establishing sectors to develop new capabilities in domestic production,
  • Managing and coordinating local manufacturers, suppliers, development programs, and incentive systems in the best way possible,
  • Establishing a supplier infrastructure that includes R&D activities to have design, construction and operational technology in the nuclear energy sector,
  • Ensuring the establishment and implementation of a procurement culture within TÜNAŞ that prioritizes nuclear safety as the highest priority and reflects graded approach principles,
  • Accepting the procurement of services and products from the most competent suppliers at the most reasonable prices as a fundamental principle,
  • Ensuring the supply of services and products is guaranteed through a supply chain management system and maintaining a list of approved suppliers accordingly.