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Integrated Management System

04/ Integrated Management System

The Integrated Management System (IMS) is a process-oriented management system that brings together all management systems, processes and routines of TÜNAŞ into one complete and consistent framework.
Integrated Management System Components

The IMS undertakes a function that will enable the organization to achieve its unified goals and objectives by defining all the activities carried out at TÜNAŞ in a comprehensive and coherent manner, while defining the input and output relations in each of them.

Through its IMS, prioritizing nuclear safety and created in accordance with its vision, mission, principles and values, TÜNAŞ aims to act in line with national and international requirements, gain the trust of its stakeholders and contribute to sustainable development.

Adopting the leadership of the management, process approach, graded approach as well as risk-based thinking principles, the IMS was established to manage all activities carried out in a consistent framework, within a system that prioritizes safety, in order to achieve the strategic goals and objectives of TÜNAŞ.

The IMS brings together quality, environmental, occupational health and safety, security and emergency management systems under a single roof.

Integrated Management System Documents

The IMS documents consist of policies, manuals, processes, procedures, guides, templates, forms and instructions.

The Management System Manual (MSM) is a clear guidance for employees and stakeholders to understand the activities within TÜNAŞ, and it shows the interrelation between TÜNAŞ vision, mission, values, policies and operational processes. In this respect, the MSM has a broader scope than a quality manual.

The hierarchy of the IMS documents is shown in the figure.


TÜNAŞ IMS consists of:

  • Management Processes,
  • Core Processes,
  • Support Processes.

Management Processes:

  • Set organizational goals;
  • Direct and manage the organization;
  • Manages external relationships and interfaces;
  • Manages and improves processes;
  • Manages communications and stakeholder engagement;
  • Assesses and improves the work performance.

Core Processes define the main activities that will enable TÜNAŞ to achieve its goals in line with its vision, mission and policies. Therefore, it currently includes all activities related to licensing of nuclear power plant projects in addition to some core activities such as program/project management.

Core Processes:

  • Have the greatest impact on TÜNAŞ performance;
  • Produce TÜNAŞ critical outputs;
  • Reflect TÜNAŞ unique competencies;
  • Determine TÜNAŞ value-creating activities;
  • Are of the greatest importance for TÜNAŞ.

Support Processes provide support for the fulfillment of Management Processes and Main Processes. They can be seen in the figure.

The responsibility for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, evaluation and continuous improvement of the IMS to ensure nuclear safety, which is TÜNAŞ overriding priority, belongs to the top management; while its maintenance and continuous improvement are achieved with the personal awareness and participation of all TÜNAŞ employees.

The IMS will continuously be improved via self-assessments, internal audits and management reviews.