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07/ News from TÜNAŞ

Biennial General Meeting Held by WANO in Prague on October 9-11, 2022

Biennial General Meeting Held by WANO in Prague on October 9-11, 2022

Türkiye Nuclear Energy Company (TÜNAŞ), as well as the members of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), participated in the Sixteenth Biennial General Assembly Meeting held in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, between 9 - 11 October 2022. More than 300 senior representatives from WANO members and other industry organizations attended the meeting. Over eighty organizations from thirty countries and regions around the world were represented. Under the conference theme 'One WANO - Commitment to Nuclear Excellence', key opportunities and challenges for the industry in the coming years were discussed, including leading industry change, industry innovation, the benefits of WANO secondment and the younger generation perspective on the nuclear industry.