Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd has announced that Kakrapar 4 was connected to the grid on 20 February. The 700 MWe unit reached first criticality on 17 December.
The company announced the grid connection following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 22 February visit to the plant in Gujarat, during which he formally dedicated the first Indian-designed 700 MWe pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWRs) to the nation.
"These reactors have been designed, constructed, commissioned and operated by Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited (NPCIL) with the supply of equipment and execution of contracts by Indian industries/companies reflecting the true spirit of Atma Nirbhar Bharat," the company said. (Atma Nirbhar Bharat translates to "self-reliant India".)
Modi said during his visit that "the role of nuclear power in electricity generation is going to increase in 21st century India and it is a matter of pride that India is Atma Nirbhar in this advanced technology", the company added.
"Two days earlier on February 20, 2024, KAPS-4 (700 MW) was connected to the western grid for the first time."
A further eight reactors with a total capacity of 6800 MW are under construction by NPCIL, the company said, while pre-project activities are under way for 10 reactors with a total capacity of 7000 MWe for completion "by 2031-32" to enable India to reach an installed nuclear power capacity of 22,480 MWe.
Reactors under construction at NPCIL's sites include the next two 700 MW PHWRs which are being built as Rajasthan units 7 and 8 at Rawatbhata in Rajasthan, and four Russian-supplied VVER pressurised water reactors at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu. Site works are also under way for the construction of two 700 MW units Gorakhpur in Haryana. In addition to these, a 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor is being built by BHAVINI at Kalpakkam in Madras.
Ten further 700 MW PHWRs have received administrative approval and financial sanction: Kaiga units 5 and 6 in Karnataka; Gorakhpur units 3 and 4 in Haryana; Chutka units 1 and 2 in Madhya Pradesh; and Mahi Banswara units 1 and 2 and units 3 and 4 in Rajasthan.