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IAEA- Nuclear Technology Review 2022

The report, prepared by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), addresses nuclear energy, nuclear fuel cycle and environmental improvement, as well as focusing on areas such as radioactive waste management, research reactors and particle accelerators. The report examines the impact of artificial intelligence on the design and operation of nuclear systems, the non-electrical applications of nuclear energy, and the use of isotope-based theranostics to create personalized cancer treatment plans. It gives emphasis on issues such as the double labelled water (DLW) technique used to measure energy consumption in the fight against obesity and the use of radioisotopes in medicine. The report evaluates the impact of new production pathways on the global supply chain of important radioisotopes such as molybdenum‑99. This report has been compiled to meet the demands of the member states. While the report discusses how nuclear technologies can be used in global problems such as plastic pollution and cancer, it also analyzes the current state of nuclear energy programs, which constitutes a valuable resource for countries that are considering or are already using nuclear energy.

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