Russian nuclear utility Rosenergoatom (part of Rosatom) has signed a decision to extend the life of the BN-600 sodium-cooled fast reactor at unit 3 of the Beloyarsk NPP. As part of the life extension programme, Beloyarsk NPP conducted a survey of the state of the reactor building and its equipment. The results of the analysis confirmed that the design life of the key elements of the unit is sufficient for an additional period or periods of operation.
A number of important upgrades to improve the safety of buildings, structures, systems have already been completed. Among the major works, was the replacement of steam generator modules and pump units. “During the next two scheduled preventive repair outages at unit 3, we will have to replace the remaining modules of the steam generator and feed pumps, and upgrade diesel generator sets,” said Plant Director Ivan Sidorov.
During March Rosenergoatom will submit a package of documents to regulator Rostekhnadzor. Checking the documents is expected to take a year, after which a decision will be made to issue a licence.
“Unit 3 is strategically important for us. It is a testbed for technical solutions for future fast reactors,” said Rosenergoatom Director General Alexander Shutikov. “We are irradiating new fuels for the Brest-OD-300 reactor (a lead-cooled fast reactor under construction at the Siberian Chemical Plant), and for the BN-1200, which is planned for unit 5 of the Beloyarsk NPP.”
The life extension of the BN-600 will allow the Beloyarsk NPP to generate an additional about 60 TWh of electricity, which will contribute to the implementation of Rosatom’s plans to increase the nuclear share of power production.
The Beloyarsk NPP at Zarechny, in the Sverdlovsk region, comprises four units. Units 1&2, both light water graphite reactors, are permanently shut down. Units 3&4 are fast neutron reactors with gross electrical capacity of 600 MWe and 885 MWe respectively.