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Yerin Altında Ucuz ve Güvenli Nükleer Reaktör Fikri
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Yerin Altında Ucuz ve Güvenli Nükleer Reaktör Fikri
Ağustos 2024
Güvenli ve ucuz nükleer reaktörler nasıl yapılır? Deep Fission adındaki bir girişime göre reaktörleri yerin altına gömmek hem ekonomik hem de güvenlikli bir çözüm sunuyor.Nükleer enerji her ne kadar görece temiz ve stabil bir enerji vadetse de güvenlik ve ekonomik kaygılar bu teknolojinin arkasındaki en büyük olumsuzluklar arasında yer alıyor. Bu yüzden geleneksel nükleer santrallerin inşaatı, yüksek maliyetler ve olası kazaların yaratabileceği tehlikeler sebebiyle sıkça eleştiriliyor. Ancak, Deep Fission adlı bir girişim bu sorunlara yenilikçi bir çözüm sunuyor: Nükleer reaktörleri yerin derinliklerine gömmek.
Nükleer Enerjide Benzersiz Yaklaşım
Deep Fission, alışılmışın dışında bir yöntemle hem güvenlik hem de maliyet sorunlarını çözmeyi hedefliyor. Şirketin önerisi, çapı 76 cm'den daha dar olan küçük bir reaktörü 1.6 kilometre derinliğinde bir sondaj kuyusuna yerleştirmek. Bu sayede, reaktör etrafında geleneksel santrallerde kullanılan kalın çelik ve beton yapıların gerekliliği ortadan kalkıyor. Modüler mikro reaktör olarak geçen bu reaktörün 15 MWe kapasitesi olduğu belirtiliyor.
Deep Fission'ın önerdiği reaktör, basınçlı su reaktörü (PWR) teknolojisine dayanıyor. Ancak, bu reaktörler, geleneksel muadillerinden farklı olarak neredeyse hiç hareketli parça içermiyor ve tüm kontrol işlemleri uzaktan gerçekleştiriliyor. Reaktör, 160 atmosfer basınç altında ve 315 °C sıcaklıkta çalışacak şekilde tasarlanmış durumda. Sondaj kuyusunun derinliği, reaktörün basınçlandırılmasını sağlıyor; bu sayede pahalı basınçlandırma ve soğutma sistemlerine ihtiyaç kalmıyor. Bu reaktörlerin yerin derinliklerinde katı kayalarla çevrili olması, olası bir kazada çevreye radyasyon sızması riskini de neredeyse sıfıra indiriyor. En kötü senaryoda bile, kuyunun doldurulup kapatılmasının yeterli olacağı söyleniyor. Ancak olası bir sızıntının yeraltı su kaynaklarını etkileyip etkilemeyeceği konusunda bir bilgi verilmiyor.
Geleneksel nükleer santrallerin en büyük maliyet kalemi olan inşaat giderleri, Deep Fission'ın yenilikçi tasarımıyla büyük ölçüde azalıyor. Bilindiği gibi reaktörün çevresine metrelerce kalınlıkta çelik ve beton yapı inşa ediliyor. Öte yandan Deep Fission'ın reaktöründe bakıma veya denetime ihtiyaç duyulduğunda, bu küçük reaktörler kablo sistemiyle bir iki saat içinde yüzeye çıkarılabiliyor. Ayrıca, reaktörün tasarımı, aşırı ısınma durumunda kendini otomatik olarak kapatacak şekilde kendini sınırlayıcı özelliklere sahip.
Deep Fission, bu konsepti hayata geçirmek için ABD Enerji Bakanlığı ile başvuru sürecine başlamış durumda. Eğer bu proje başarıya ulaşırsa, nükleer enerji alanında yeni bir çağ başlatabilir. Hatta teknik olarak "jeotermal enerji" kavramı yepyeni bir boyut kazanabilir.
Westinghouse Eyes old Nuclear Sites to Build Small Reactors in Italy
U.S. energy group Westinghouse proposed using decommissioned nuclear sites in Italy for the installation of small modular reactors, with the aim to start construction by 2030, a company official said on Tuesday.
Belçika'da Yeni Hükümet Yeni Nükleer Santral İnşa Etmeyi Planlıyor
Belçika Enerji Bakanı Mathieu Bihet, yeni kurulan hükümetin yeni nükleer santraller inşa ederek bu alandan elektrik üretim kapasitesini iki kat artırmayı planladığını bildirdi
Polonya ve Kanada Nükleer Enerji Konusunda Anlaştı
Polonya ve Kanada, nükleer enerji alanında iş birliğini güçlendirmek amacıyla önemli bir adım attı. Polonya Başbakanı Donald Tusk ve Kanada Başbakanı Justin Trudeau, 28 Ocak’ta Varşova’da düzenlenen bir törende, iki ülke arasındaki nükleer enerji iş birli
Czech Minister Says KHNP Ontract Timetable Still on Track
Minister of Industry and Trade Lukáš Vlček said he had discussed with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power CEO Joo-ho Whang about finalising the EPC contract and the involvement of Czech companies in the country's new nuclear project.
Blasting work 45 metres below ground has begun, marking the start of the expansion of Sweden's existing SFR final repository for low and intermediate-level waste at Forsmark. The extension - expected to take six years to complete - will triple the capacit
TVA Names Contractors for Clinch River SMR Project
The Tennessee Valley Authority's collaborative contractors Bechtel, Sargent & Lundy and GE Hitachi will use an integrated approach as they carry out initial planning for a potential small modular reactor at Clinch River in Tennessee.
Bill Gates'in Nükleer Enerji Şirketinden Veri Merkezi Anlaşması
Teknoloji şirketleri artan veri miktarları ve yapay zekanın hayatımıza girmesiyle veri merkezlerini büyütüyor. Bill Gates'in nükleer enerji şirketi TerraPower ise bunlara enerji vermeye hazırlanıyor.
KHNP to Cooperate with Scandinavian SMR Project Developers
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power announced it has signed memorandums of understanding on cooperation with Norway's Norsk Kjernekraft and Sweden's Kärnfull Next to "strengthen its foothold in the European market with its innovative SMR (i-SMR)".
50 Yıl Dayanabilen Madeni Para Büyüklüğündeki Nükleer Pil, Teknolojide Devrim Yaratmayı Vaat Ediyor
Genç bir Çinli şirket olan Betavolt, BV10050 yıl boyunca bakım ve şarj gerektirmeden çalışabilen bir nükleer pil. Bu cihaz, tıbbi implantlar ve IoT sensörleri gibi düşük güçlü uygulamalar için ideal olan sabit güç üretmek için nikel-63 ve elmas yarı iletk
Kazakistan'daki Nükleer Santral İnşaatının Tedarikçileri Arasında Rus ve Çin Şirketleri Var!
Kazakistan'da inşa edilmesi planlanan nükleer santralin teknoloji tedarikçileri arasında Rusya, Çin, Güney Kore ve Fransa'dan şirketlerin bulunacağı öğrenildi.
Climate and Energy in Trump's Day One Executive Orders
New US President Donald Trump has declared a national energy emergency, announced the country's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, and named cabinet-level appointees including new heads of the Department of Energy and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commissio
Keel Laid for Service Ship for Nuclear-Powered Icebreakers
A keel-laying ceremony has been held at the Baltic Shipyard in Russia for the multipurpose Vladimir Vorobyov service ship for nuclear-powered icebreakers.
Site Identified for Proposed Halden SMR Power Plant
Norway's Halden Kjernekraft AS has entered into a letter of intent with the owner of a plot of land in Halden identified as a possible location for the construction of a nuclear power plant based on small modular reactors.
Westinghouse Signs Agreement to Diversify Fuel Supply for Bulgarian Plant
The company has signed a contract with Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant to conduct safety analysis for licensing a new nuclear fuel assembly design for Kozloduy unit 6.
Rusya Dünyanın En Büyük Nükleer Santral Üreticisi Olmak İstiyor
Rusya, küresel enerji talebine yanıt olarak yurt dışında 10'dan fazla nükleer ünite inşa ediyor. Mersin'deki Akkuyu NGS'nin yanı sıra Bangladeş ve Macaristan gibi ülkelerde projeler yürütülüyor. Batı, Rusya'nın nükleer alandaki etkisini azaltmaya çalışırk
Dünyanın İlk Nükleer Füzyon Santrali İnşa Edilecek
ABD’nin en önde gelen üniversitelerinden MIT bünyesinde kurulan Commonwealth Fusion Systems adlı şirket, dünyanın ilk şebeke ölçekli nükleer füzyon santralinin inşasına başlayacak.
EDF, Fransa'nın Flamanville 3 nükleer reaktörünü şebekeye bağladığını açıkladı. Böylelikle bu reaktör 1999'da Civaux 2'den bu yana şebekeye bağlanan ilk reaktör oldu.
Korea Bags Romanian Project to Refurbish Nuclear Reactor
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. (KHNP) on Thursday inked a final agreement with Romania’s Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica (SNN) to refurbish a nuclear reactor, marking South Korea’s foray into the nuclear plant refurbishment market.
Westinghouse, Aecon Team up for Nuclear New Build Projects
Westinghouse Electric Company and Canadian construction company Aecon have announced the signing of two agreements, creating a collaborative framework for the development and deployment of advanced nuclear new-build projects in Canada and around the world
Joint Venture Planned for Commercialisation of Newcleo SMR
France-based innovative reactor developer Newcleo is to create a joint venture with Italy's NextChem to develop a new generation commercial-scale power plant, based on Newcleo's LFR-AS-200 small modular lead-cooled fast reactor.
Partnership to Develop UK Fusion Power Plant Designs
Two British public sector entities - the UK Atomic Energy Authority and the Science and Technology Facilities Council's Hartree Centre - have teamed up with US-headquartered technology firm IBM to design future experimental fusion power plants.
İnşaatı hızla devam eden nükleer güç santrali Akkuyu’da geçtiğimiz günlerde birinci ünitede türbin şaftı devreye alınarak önemli bir eşik daha aşılmış oldu
Gemi inşa sektöründe devrim niteliğinde bir gelişme yaşanıyor. Nükleer enerji, deniz taşımacılığında daha önce görülmemiş bir verimlilik ve sıfır emisyon vaadiyle geri dönüyor.
UK Assessment of BWRX-300 Progresses to Second Dtep
GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy's BWRX-300 small modular reactor design has completed the first step of the UK's Generic Design Assessment process and progressed to the next phase of its assessment.
Nükleer Destekli Plazma Roketi ile Uzay Yolculuğunda Devrim Yapılıyor
Yüksek hızlı uzay yolculukları için VASIMR adındaki roket sistemini geliştiren Ad Astra, karşılaştığı enerji sorunlarını çözmek için SpaceNukes ile ortaklık kurdu. Bu, uzayda bir devrim yaratabilir.
France-headquartered innovative reactor developer Newcleo has submitted an application to the UK Department of Energy Security and Net Zero for approval to enter the Generic Design Assessment for its LFR-AS-200 small modular lead-cooled fast reactor.
ABD ve Litvanya’dan Küçük Nükleer Reaktörlerde İş Birliği
Litvanya, önümüzdeki dönemde artan elektrik talebini çevreye duyarlı bir şekilde karşılamak amacıyla olası dördüncü nesil küçük nükleer reaktörlerin (KNR) kurulması için ABD ile iş birliği yapacak.
Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB can begin excavation works to extend the existing SFR final repository for low and intermediate-level waste at Forsmark following the approval of its safety report by Sweden's Radiation Safety Authority.
Rosatom, Etiyopya'da Nükleer Araştırma ve Teknoloji Merkezi için sözleşme imzaladı
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kuruluşu Rosatom, Etiyopya'da Nükleer Araştırma ve Teknoloji Merkezi için fizibilite çalışması yapmak üzere sözleşme imzalandığını bildirdi
Bilim insanları, ısıya dayanıklı yeni bir metal alaşımı geliştirdiler ve bu alaşım nükleer enerji alanında büyük bir çığır açarak bizi "sonsuz enerjiye" ulaştırabilir.
Canada Selects Location for Used Nuclear Fuel Repository
Fourteen years after beginning its consent-based siting process, Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and the Township of Ignace have been selected as the host communities for Canada's proposed deep geological repository.
In the wake of the cancellation of a planned referendum on new nuclear in Slovenia, the Director General of GEN energija, Dejan Paravan, has said that alongside continuing work on the proposed JEK2 project they will also be seeking more detailed informati
Korean Waste Agency to c-Cooperate with Finland, Spain
The Korea Radioactive Waste Agency has signed agreements with Finland's Posiva Oy and Spain's Enresa to strengthen cooperation in radioactive waste management.
NASA’nın Nükleer Helikopteri Dragonfly, SpaceX ile Uçacak
NASA, Satürn'ün gizemli uydusu Titan'ın yaşam barındırma potansiyelini araştıracak olan nükleer enerjili Dragonfly helikopteri için SpaceX'in güçlü Falcon Heavy roketini seçti. 3.35 milyar dolarlık bu heyecan verici görev, Falcon Heavy'nin bir diğer yükse
Westinghouse, Core Power Join Forces for Floating Nuclear Power Plant
Westinghouse Electric Company and Core Power are to work together on the design and development of a floating nuclear power plant using the eVinci microreactor.
Applications Lodged for Swiss Waste Disposal Facilities
Switzerland's national radioactive waste disposal cooperative Nagra has applied to the Swiss Federal Office of Energy for a general permit for the construction of the planned deep geological repository for radioactive waste and a used nuclear fuel encapsu
ABD ile İngiltere Nükleer İş Birliğine Devam Edecek
ABD ile İngiltere, gelişmiş nükleer teknolojiler konusunda bilgi paylaşımını desteklemek ve yeni nesil nükleer enerji sistemleri konusunda araştırma ve geliştirme konusunda iş birliği içinde çalışmaya devam edecek.
ABD, 4. Nesil Nükleer “Erimiş Tuz Reaktörü” Hermes 2’ye Onay Verdi
Nükleer Düzenleme Komisyonu (NRC), ABD'de şebekeye güç sağlayacak ilk erimiş tuz reaktörünün inşasını onayladı. Onay kapsamında Kairos Power, Hermes 2’yi inşa edecek.
Japonya, Sınırsız Nükleer Füzyon Enerjisi için FAST Projesini Başlattı
Japonya, 2030'ların sonuna kadar nükleer füzyon temelli enerji elde etmek için FAST projesini başlattı. Proje, ticari füzyon santrallerine giden yolda teknik zorlukların üstesinden gelmeyi hedefliyor.
Framatome's PROtect Enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel chromium-coated M5Framatome cladding has become the world's first ATF technology to operate with full length fuel rods at a burnup rate above 60 GWd/tU.
Laurentis to Support Study on SMR Deployment in Poland
Canada's Laurentis Energy Partners has signed an agreement with Orlen Synthos Green Energy to support the preparation of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report for deploying GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy's BWRX-300 small modular reactor in Poland. The agreeme
Japan’s Chugoku Electric Power Company has notified the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) that it plans to restart unit 2 at its Shimane NPP in Matsue in Shimane Prefecture on 7 December. The reactor is scheduled to begin commercial operation in early Ja
The engineering, procurement and construction management contract for the completion of Romania's Cernavoda units 3 and 4 has been signed with the FCSA Joint Venture including Fluor, AtkinsRéalis, Ansaldo Nucleare and Sargent & Lundy Energie.
BRICS Members Set to Increase Nuclear Energy Cooperation
The creation of the Nuclear Energy Platform is intended to share experience and support the development of nuclear technologies among BRICS+ member countries.
Construction of the SMART tokamak is under way at the University of Seville in Spain, aimed at exploring negative versus positive triangularity prospects in spherical tokamaks. Meanwhile, New Zealand startup OpenStar Technologies has successfully powered
Serbia Continues Discussions on Future Nuclear Projects
The deputy prime minister of Serbia, whose government is keen to overturn a ban on nuclear energy projects in the country, has held discussions with Rosatom about expanding cooperation in non-energy applications of nuclear technologies.
IEA Forecasts Continued Nuclear Capacity Growth to 2050
Global nuclear generating capacity is expected to increase from 416 GWe in 2023 to 647 GWe in 2050 in a scenario based on existing energy policies, according to the latest World Energy Outlook from the International Energy Agency.
Amazon, veri merkezlerine elektrik sağlamak için küçük boyutta modüler nükleer reaktörler kurmayı amaçlayan ABD’li X-energy’den hisse satın alıyor. Şirkete hedefine ulaşması için büyük bir yatırımda bulunacak Amazon, “AWS” özelinde dünyanın en önemli bulu
Bakan Bayraktar, Çinli CNOS ile Nükleer Enerji İş Birliğini Görüştü
Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı Alparslan Bayraktar, Çinli nükleer enerji şirketi CNOS'nin Başkan Yardımcısı Qiao Gang ile Türkiye'de inşa edilebilecek büyük ölçekli ve küçük modüler reaktörlere yönelik olası işbirliği imkanlarını ele aldıklarını bildird
Google, Kairos Power ile Nükleer Enerji Anlaşması Yaptı
Google taraından yapılan açıklamada, Google'ın yeni nesil gelişmiş temiz teknolojiler de dahil temiz enerji çözümlerinin hızlandırılmasında önemli bir rol oynadığı vurgulandı.
Third Finnish City Considers SMRs for District Heating
Finnish small modular reactor developer Steady Energy has signed an agreement with municipal energy company Keravan Energia to develop nuclear-powered district heating.
İtalya, Nükleer Enerji Genişlemesi için Westinghouse ve EDF'yi Değerlendiriyor
Konuya yakın kaynaklara göre, İtalya, ileri nükleer reaktörler geliştirmek için ABD'li enerji grubu Westinghouse ve Fransa'nın EDF şirketi ile ortaklıkları aktif olarak araştırıyor. Bu gelişme, Başbakan Giorgia Meloni liderliğindeki İtalyan hükümetinin, 1
Slovakia has been awarded a grant from the USA's Nuclear Expediting the Energy Transition (NEXT) project for help in selecting a site for the construction of small modular reactors in the country.
Kazakistan'da ülkenin ilk nükleer enerji santralinin inşa edilip edilmeyeceği konusunda halkın kararını almak referandum düzenlendi. Düzenlenen referandumda, sandık çıkış anketlerine göre seçmenlerin çoğu "evet" cevabını verdi. Referandumun kesin sonuçlar
China Achieves Breakthrough In Low-Temperature Distillation Of Boron-10 Isotopes To Support Nuclear Safety
Chinese scientists have achieved a breakthrough in low-temperature distillation of boron-10 isotopes to stably produce enriched boron-10 products with an abundance of 70 percent, significantly enhancing China’s capacity for large-scale production of boron
Constellation to Restart Three Mile Island Unit, Powering Microsoft
Constellation has signed a 20-year power purchase agreement with Microsoft that will see Three Mile Island unit 1 restarted, five years after it was shut down.
South Yorkshire to Host Britain’s First Mini-Nuclear Reactor Factory
A US energy giant has chosen South Yorkshire to host a landmark £1.5bn factory building the next generation of nuclear reactors in a major boost for the region.
FPL’s Turkey Point Nuclear Plant’s Units 3 and 4 Licences Extended
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has extended the licences of the Florida Power & Light Company's (FPL) Turkey Point nuclear power plant Units 3 and 4 in Florida.
Rusya, Çin'deki Nükleer Güç Santrali İnşaatında İlerliyor
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kuruluşu Rosatom'un Çin'de inşa ettiği Tianwan Nükleer Güç Santrali'nin 8'inci ünitesinde reaktör basınç kabının tasarım konumuna yerleştirilmesi tamamlandı.
The Swedish government is proposing investments of over SEK1 billion (USD97 million) in 2025 to expand fossil-free electricity production. This includes an expanded investment in pilot and demonstration projects in the area of nuclear power and in streaml
Finnish energy group Helen established a nuclear energy programme and preparation for the NPP is now beginning in earnest. CEO Olli Sirka told Helsingin Sanomat that replacing combustion-based power plants is simply not possible without nuclear power. “To
Enerji Bakanı Bayraktar Açıkladı: Akkuyu Nükleer'de Alman Siemens Devre Dışı, Çinli Firma Devrede
Bayraktar, Akkuyu Nükleer Güç Santrali (NGS) projesinde 30 binin üzerinde çalışanla yoğun bir çalışma yürütüldüğünü belirterek, "Akkuyu dünyanın en büyük nükleer santral şantiyesi. Zira 4 reaktörü aynı anda yapıyoruz, böyle bir örnek dünyada çok fazla yok
BAE Arap Dünyasının İlk Nükleer Santralini Tamamladı
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (BAE) Perşembe günü Arap dünyasının ilk nükleer enerji santralinin tamamlandığını duyurdu ve bunu “önemli bir adım” olarak nitelendirdi.
The Czech Republic's nuclear power plant operator ČEZ has concluded a security agreement with the government allowing the next steps in selecting a future supplier for its planned small modular reactors (SMRs).
Norway Taps South Korean Expertise in SMR Plant Study
Norsk Kjernekraft has signed a memorandum of understanding with South Korea's DL Energy and DL E&C to study the feasibility of constructing a nuclear power plant at the Mongstad oil refinery in Norway.
Energoatom Moves Ahead with Plans for New Four-Unit AP1000 Plant
Ukraine's Energoatom says it has had land transferred to it as part of steps which could lead to a new four-unit nuclear power plant at the Chyhyryn site - and the development of the largely abandoned Soviet-era satellite town of Orbita nearby.
Küresel Piyasalarda 69 Nükleer Reaktörün İnşası Sürüyor
İnşaat halindeki reaktörlerde ilk sırayı 33 bin 904 megavat kapasiteyle Çin aldı - Çin'i, 6 bin 357 megavat kapasiteyle İran, 5 bin 900 megavat kapasiteyle Hindistan ve 4 bin 800'er megavat kapasiteyle Mısır ve Türkiye takip etti
Sırbistan Nükleer Santral Yasağını Kaldırmaya Hazırlanıyor
Sırbistan, nükleer enerji santrallerinin inşasına yönelik 35 yıldır uygulanan yasağı kaldırmaya hazırlanıyor ve bu da ülkenin enerji politikasında önemli bir değişime işaret ediyor.
Rosatom: "Akkuyu için 60 yıllık hizmet-bakım sözleşmesi imzaladık"
Rusya'nın devlet enerji şirketi Rosatom, Türkiye'de inşa edilmekte olan Akkuyu Nükleer Santrali'nin (Akkuyu NGS) hizmet ve bakım işlemleri için Türk tarafı ile 60 yıllık bir sözleşme imzaladığını duyurdu.
Japonya Başbakanı Nükleer Santral Yeniden Başlatılması için Bakanlar Toplantısı Düzenliyor
Japonya Başbakanı Fumio Kishida, Tokyo Electric Power'ın (Tepco) Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nükleer santralinin yeniden başlatılması için yerel onay alınmasına yönelik gerekli adımları görüşmek üzere gelecek hafta bir bakanlar toplantısı düzenleneceğini açıkladı.
China Prepares to Change World with Introduction of Revolutionary Nuclear Power Station: 'This Design Significantly Reduces The Chances of Meltdowns'
Chinese scientists have been working on a molten salt nuclear power plant using thorium for years. They even created a prototype reactor in 2021, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
China Makes $31 Billion Nuclear Push with Record Approvals
China approved 11 nuclear reactors across five sites on Monday, a record amount of permits as the government leans even more heavily on atomic energy to support its push to cut emissions.
Westinghouse Accident Tolerant Fuel in US Licensing 'First'
In a first for the USA, the country's nuclear regulator has approved an increase in the burnup limit for Westinghouse's Encore accident tolerant fuel design, paving the way for longer and more economic fuel cycles.
The new version of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Milestones Approach has been revised to address the deployment of small modular reactors. The Milestones Approach is a phased method which guides countries through the entire process of plan
Price Tag For New Nuclear Power In Sweden $38 Billion, Commission Says
Sweden's plans to expand nuclear power to help tackle climate change are likely to cost around 400 billion crowns ($38 billion) and should be financed by government loans and price guarantees, a government appointed commission said on Monday.
China Announces Nuclear Energy Breakthrough With Fourth-Gen, Gas-Cooled Reactor Plant
The Shidaowan nuclear power plant in eastern China's Shandong province a joint development from China Huaneng Group, Tsinghua University, and China National Nuclear Corporation features the world's first high-temperature gas-cooled reactor and started c
Final Tier of Containment Installed for Russian Fast Ractor
The third and final tier of the reactor containment structure has been installed at the construction site of the BREST-OD-300 lead-cooled fast neutron reactor at the Siberian Chemical Combine site in Seversk, in the Tomsk Region of Russia.
Third Nuclear Power Plant Proposal Lodged in Norway
Norsk Kjernekraft has submitted a proposal to Norway's Ministry of Energy for an assessment of the construction of a power plant based on multiple small modular reactors (SMRs) in the municipality of Øygarden, west of Bergen.
Bharat’s Nuclear Revolution: Small Reactors, Big Impact
While presenting the Union Budget for 2024-’25, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that the government would collaborate with private companies to develop Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). She mentioned that nuclear energy would be an important pa
Lithuania has identified 77 potential locations for its planned geological repository for used nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. A final decision on the facility's location is not expected until 2047.
JSC Atomenergoproekt and Rosenergoatom - Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom's engineering and power plant operating divisions, respectively - have signed a contract to develop design documentation for the construction of the BN-1200 fast sodium rea
TEKNOFEST İlk Defa Nükleer Enerji Teknolojileri Tasarım Yarışması Düzenliyor
TEKNOFEST Havacılık, Uzay ve Teknoloji Festivali kapsamında Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı yürütücülüğünde bu yıl ilk kez düzenlenen Nükleer Enerji Teknolojileri Tasarım Yarışması başvuruları 1 Eylül tarihine kadar devam edecek.
Ermenistan, Türkiye Sınırındaki Nükleer Santralin Ömrünü Uzatmak için Çalışmalar Yürütüyor
Ermenistan hükümeti, Türkiye topraklarına 16 kilometre uzaklıkta bulunan Metsamor Nükleer Enerji Santrali'nin kullanım ömrünü 2036'ya kadar uzatmak ve santralin yakınlarında yeni bir enerji bloğu inşası için çalışma yürütüyor.
Rooppur’s Unit 1 Prepares Fuel Reloading Machine for Simulator Testing
The reloading machine at unit 1 of the Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh has been prepared for the loading of fuel simulators. Service engineers from JSC Atomtekhenergo (part of Rosatom’s Electric Power Division) have completed the preparation of the reloading ma
China Develops Material for Uranium Extraction from Sea Water
Researchers from China’s Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT) have developed an organic material to extract uranium from seawater. The material is reportedly cost-effective and has “exceptional uranium adsorption capability”.
Natura Resources, LLC has joined the Texas Produced Water Consortium (TXPWC) to evaluate the deployment of Natura’s liquid-fuelled molten salt reactor (LF-MSR) technology to meet energy and water needs in the Permian Basin in a partnership dubbed Fortifyi
Bakan Bayraktar: "Trakya'da Büyük Ölçekli Santral İnşası Düşünüyoruz"
Nükleer enerjideki hedeflere de değinen Bayraktar, Trakya'da büyük ölçekli santral inşası düşündüklerini ve enerjide kapasiteyi arttıracaklarını vurguladı.
“Esnek” Stellarator Füzyon Tesisinin Kurulması Planlanıyor
ABD’li bilim insanları Çin ile süren füzyon yarışında ellerini güçlendirmek adında “esnek” stellarator füzyon tesisinin kurulmasını ve teknolojinin ölçeklenebilirliğini test etmek istiyor.
Çin Dünyanın İlk Toryum Erimiş Tuz Nükleer Santralini Kuruyor
Çin, yenilenebilir enerjinin yanında nükleer enerji yatırımlarını da sürdürüyor. Bu bağlamda ülke, dünyanın ilk toryum erimiş tuz nükleer santralini kurmaya hazırlanıyor.
French-Italian Cooperation to Boost Italian Steel Sector
A memorandum of understanding has been signed between EDF, Edison, Federacciai, Ansaldo Energia and Ansaldo Nucleare aimed at promoting cooperation in the use of nuclear energy to boost the competitiveness and decarbonisation of the Italian steel industry
China's Ningde Nuclear Power Plant Starts New Power unit Construction
Construction of the No. 5 power unit at the Ningde Nuclear Power Plant in east China's Fujian Province commenced on Sunday, according to China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN).
South Korea to Invest $866M in Fusion Energy Development
The South Korean government will invest KRW1,200bn ($866m) to develop fusion reactors and related infrastructure, local media reported. This was announced by the Ministry of Science & ICT at a meeting of the National Nuclear Fusion Committee chaired by Mi
World’s First ‘Meltdown-Proof’ Nuclear Reactor Aces Safety Test
China's Tsinghua University has scored a world first by demonstrating the inherent safety of the first operating commercial pebble-bed nuclear reactor by shutting off the power and letting the passive systems maintain control of the reactor core.
Shake Tests Improve Seismic Safety of Fry Storage Systems
Researchers subjected two full-sized dry storage systems for used nuclear fuel to simulated seismic events to help improve understanding of the potential impacts of earthquakes on fuel in storage at more than 70 US reactor sites.
British inertial fusion energy developer First Light Fusion has hosted a delegation from the Japanese government, headed by State Minister Soichiro Imaeda from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The visit comes as t
Slovak utility Slovenské elektrárne has signed a contract with France's Framatome for the long-term supply of nuclear fuel to the VVER-440 reactors at its Bohunice and Mochovce plants, starting from 2027.
The Indian government has announced plans to partner with the private sector to develop small modular reactors in a 2024-25 budget announcement which recognises a significant role for nuclear in the country's future energy mix.
Rolls-Royce has secured an additional GBP4.8 million (USD6.2 million) in funding from the UK Space Agency to advance the development and demonstration of key technologies in its space nuclear microreactor.
China Unveils World’s 1st Meltdown-Proof Nuclear Reactor with 105 MW Capacity
In a global first, researchers at Tsinghua University in China have successfully demonstrated a meltdown-proof nuclear fission reactor. The twin reactor design can generate 105 MW of power each and has been in the works since 2016. The technology is a wel
Rosatom and Hungary Reaffirm Commitment to Paks II Nuclear Project
Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachev and Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Peter Szijjártó held discussions as part of a joint working visit to Turkey. The parties noted the high level of implementation of the Paks II project under const
The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and the Korea Ship & Offshore Plant Research Institute (KRISO) are collaborating to advance the commercialisation of small modular reactor-powered ships and floating SMR power generation platforms.
GA Progresses with Silicon Carbide Fuel Cladding Development
General Atomics has manufactured the first batch of full-length SiGA silicon carbide composite tubes designed for pressurised water reactors. The company is developing nuclear fuel rods that can withstand higher temperatures than materials currently used.
Gulf State UAE Considers a Second Nuclear Power Plant
The United Arab Emirates is considering building a second nuclear power plant to meet growing demand for electricity in the oil-rich Gulf state, a government official told Reuters. The country of some 10 million people has become a proponent of nuclear po
Fusion Funding and Jobs Growing Fast, Says Key Industry Report
The Global Fusion Industry in 2024 report says that more than USD900 million has been invested in the fusion industry in the past year, and more than 1000 jobs created.
The first batch of concrete has been poured for the nuclear island of unit 2 at the Xudabao nuclear power plant in China's Liaoning Province, marking the official start of construction of the unit.
Czech Republic About to Choose Between Korea, France for Nuclear Plant Project
Cautious optimism is growing about the possibility of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) defeating its French competitor, EDF, in the bid for a 30 trillion won ($22 billion) project to build nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic, as the selection of
İtalya, Küçük Modüler Reaktörler ile Nükleer Enerjiye Geri Dönüyor
İtalya başbakanı Giorgia Meloni, ülkenin karbon emisyonlarını düşürmek amacıyla İtalya'nın son atom santralini kapatmasından 35 yıl sonra nükleer enerjiyi yeniden devreye sokmayı planlıyor.
Canadian Town Declares Willingness to Host Repository
The Township of Ignace in north-western Ontario has become the first community to confirm its willingness to move forward to the next phase of the site selection process to host a deep geological repository for Canada's used nuclear fuel.
US Study Examines Feasibility of Coal-to-Nuclear Conversion
A study by researchers at the University of Michigan ranks the feasibility of converting 245 operational coal power plants in the USA into advanced nuclear reactors, providing valuable insights for policymakers and utilities to meet decarbonisation goals.
EDF to Modify Nuward Design to Aid Commercialisation
France's EDF plans to optimise the design of its Nuward small modular reactor design, focusing on existing and proven technologies. The move follows feedback from potential European customers in order to guarantee that project deadlines and budgets are me
Korean City to Study Feasibility of i-SMR Deployment
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) has signed a memorandum of understanding with Daegu Metropolitan City for the construction of a small modular reactor power plant at a high-tech industrial complex near Daegu-Gyeongbuk New Airport.
The European Commission has issued a positive opinion on the technical and nuclear safety aspects of the construction of units 3 and 4 at Cernavoda nuclear power plant in Romania. Unit 3 is scheduled to start commercial operation in 2030 and unit 4 the fo
Companies Sign Agreements to Support Polish SMR Deployment
Polish company ORLEN Synthos Green Energy (OSGE) has signed a teaming agreement and two bilateral agreements with North American companies to support the planned deployment of a fleet of BWRX-300 small modular reactors (SMRs) in Poland.
Simulator Launched for Development of Korea's i-SMR
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power announced it has built an initial version of a simulator at the KHNP Central Research Institute to verify the operational suitability of the Innovative Small Modular Reactor (i-SMR).
TEKNOFEST’ten Bir İlk! Selçuk Bayraktar Duyurdu... Gençlere Nükleer Enerji Teknolojileri Tasarım Yarışması Çağrısı
TEKNOFEST’ten bir ilk daha! Bu yıl ilk defa "Nükleer Enerji Teknolojileri Tasarım Yarışması" düzenlenecek. Yeni nesil enerji teknolojileri alanında çalışmak isteyen tüm gençlerimiz davet edildi.
Uzbekistan SMR Plant Construction Preparations Under Way
Infrastructure work for a six-unit small modular reactor nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan is expected to begin in the autumn, after the signing of a protocol on the entry into force of the construction contract signed last month.
Small modular reactor project development company Kärnfull Next has announced the municipality of Valdemarsvik in Östergötland county in southeastern Sweden as a new candidate site to host up to six reactors.
Japan's nuclear regulator has approved Kansai Electric Power Company's long-term reactor management plan for units 3 and 4 of its Ohi nuclear power plant in Fukui prefecture, allowing the units to operate beyond 30 years. They become the first reactors to
Estonian Parliament Passes Resolution to Promote Nuclear Energy
The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution supporting the adoption of nuclear energy in the country based on an analysis conducted by the Nuclear Energy Working Group.
The three steel rings forming the walls of the main containment shell have been hoisted into place at unit 3 of the Sanmen nuclear power plant in China's Zhejiang province.
Sweden's Vattenfall has shortlisted Rolls-Royce SMR and GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy as potential suppliers of small modular reactors for its Ringhals site. Meanwhile, the country's nuclear regulator has proposed making the early evaluation of new reactor te
Bill Gates’ten Dünyanın Kömürden Nükleere Geçen İlk Santrali: Natrium
TerraPower'ın başkanı ve kurucusu Bill Gates, ABD’de türünün ilk örneği olan gelişmiş nükleer reaktör tesisinin sahasında düzenlenen tören ile Natrium adlı santralinin temellerini attı. Gerektiğinde sistemin çıkışını 500 MW güce çıkarabilen ve yenilenebil
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kuruluşu Rosatom, Afrika ülkesi Gine Cumhuriyeti ile yeni bir Mutabakat Zaptı imzaladı. Anlaşma ile Rosatom, Afrika ülkesine elektrik tedarik edecek yüzen nükleer güç üniteleri geliştirecek.
US Microreactor Clears Initial Stage of Pre-Testing Safety Review
Microreactor startup Radiant Industries has announced that the US Department of Energy has reviewed and approved the Safety Design Strategy for its Kaleidos microreactor in the National Reactor Innovation Center's Demonstration of Microreactor Experiments
Finnish Nuclear Start-up Steady Energy to Begin Construction of Small Modular Nuclear Pilot Plant
Helsinki, Finland – Finnish nuclear start-up Steady Energy is set to start construction of its first small modular nuclear (SMR) pilot plant in Finland next year. Potential sites include the Finnish capital Helsinki and two other cities. CEO Tommi Nyman e
The Atlas railcar - developed by the US Department of Energy to transport used nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste - has been certified by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) to operate on all major freight railroads in the USA.
ABD Emisyon Hedefleri için Nükleer Santrallerin Yeniden Canlandırılmasını Araştırıyor
Enerji Bakanı Jennifer Granholm'a göre Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, yakın zamanda emekliye ayrılan bazı nükleer enerji santrallerini yeniden canlandırmayı ve mevcut sahalara reaktörler eklemeyi düşünüyor. Bu girişim, Biden yönetiminin iklim değişikliğiyle
GE Vernova has completed the sale of a portion of its nuclear conventional islands technology and services, including its Arabelle steam turbines, to EDF. Arabelle Solutions is now a wholly owned subsidiary of EDF.
Finnish utility Fortum has awarded a contract to Doosan Škoda Power to modernise the low-pressure turbines at its Loviisa nuclear power plant as part of lifetime extension-related investments. The modernisation of the turbines will also increase the total
Argentina's CAREM SMR Project to Have Critical Design Review
The Critical Design Review for Argentina's CAREM small modular reactor should be completed within 60 days, the new president of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), Germán Guido Lavalle, has said.
X-energy and Cavendish Nuclear have commissioned Teesside University to undertake a study of the potential regional benefits and economic impacts of a proposed power plant in Hartlepool, UK, based on X-energy's Xe-100 high temperature gas-cooled reactor.
Belarus Ratifies Updates to Nuclear Power Plant Agreement with Russia
The Belarus council of ministers has ratified protocol amendments which allow extension of the warranty period from those in the original 2011 intergovernmental agreement with Russia for the construction of the country's nuclear power plant.
Japanese-Canadian JV for Fusion Technology Development
Private Japanese fusion technology company Kyoto Fusioneering and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) have formed a joint venture - named Fusion Fuel Cycles Inc - aimed at developing and deploying deuterium-tritium (D-T) fusion fuel cycle technologies.
Tests that simulate the temperatures and pressures which the reactor systems will be subjected to during normal operation have been completed at unit 1 of the Zhangzhou nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province. The unit is the first of three Hualong
Life Extensions Vital to Underpin Future Expansion: Constellation
Expanding capacity with uprates and new build at existing nuclear plant sites are part of Constellation Energy's plans to meet growing needs for clean energy in the USA - even a restart of Three Mile Island is not ruled out - but extending the operating l
Facility to Demonstrate Rolls-Royce SMR Module Production
Rolls-Royce SMR has announced plans for a facility in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK, to manufacture and test prototype modules for its small modular reactors.
Bakan Bayraktar, Çinli Mevkidaşı Guanghua ile Görüştü
Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı Alparslan Bayraktar, resmi temaslarda bulunmak üzere gittiği Çin’in başkenti Pekin’de Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Doğal Kaynaklar Bakanı Wang Guanghua ile bir araya geldi.
Rosatom, Nükleer Güç Santrallerinde Radyoizotop Üretim Yelpazesini Genişletiyor
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kuruluşu Rosatom, elektrik enerjisi bölümü Rosenergoatom'a bağlı Leningrad Nükleer Güç Santrali'nde (NGS) Samaryum-153 isimli tıbbi izotop üretimi yapılacağını duyurdu.
TSMC, Çip Üretimi için Nükleer Enerjiyi Kullanmak İstiyor
Dünyanın en büyük yarı iletken üreticisi TSMC, Tayvan’daki elektriğin büyük bir kısmını tüketiyor. Ancak şimdi ise bu enerjinin nükleer santrallerden karşılanması gündemde.
Swedish Project to Develop Gen IV Nuclear Power System
The Swedish Energy Agency has granted SEK50 million (USD4.7 million) for a project led by researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg for the development of an entire Generation IV nuclear power system. The project also aims to rebuild
Fransa'daki nükleer füzyon reaktörü WEST, sıcak plazmayı 6 dakika boyunca 50 milyon derecede tutarak bir rekora imza attı. Bu gelişme, temiz ve neredeyse sınırsız enerji temin etmeyi amaçlayan nükleer füzyon alanında önemli bir adıma işaret ediyor.
EDF Secures 'Green' Financing for Extended Operation of Reactors
French utility EDF has signed green bank loans for a total amount of about EUR5.8 billion (USD6.3 billion), which will be used to finance the life extension of its existing nuclear power plant fleet in France.
Brazilian nuclear power plant operator Eletrobras Eletronuclear says it is on track to complete all the steps required to get approval for extended operation of the Angra 1 unit.
Hungary and China Sign Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement
A memorandum of understanding on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy has been signed by the China Atomic Energy Authority and Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
WEC Panelists Welcome Growth in Support for Nuclear Power
The public and political perception of nuclear energy has significantly improved over the past few years, speakers agreed in a panel session during the recent World Energy Congress 2024.
The first safety-related concrete has been poured for the nuclear island of unit 2 at the Lianjiang nuclear power plant in China's Guangdong province. It is the second of two CAP1000 units planned as the initial phase of the plant, which will eventually h
Commercial Operation Marks Completion of Vogtle Expansion
Georgia Power has announced the start of commercial operations at the second of the two AP1000 units built as an expansion of the existing two-unit Vogtle plant. The plant is now the largest generator of clean energy in the USA.
Representatives of the nuclear industry have issued a statement calling for Group of Seven (G7) governments to embrace nuclear deployment as a strategic priority, by maximising use of existing nuclear power plants and setting clear plans for further deplo
Italy Sees Role for Nuclear in Hitting Climate Goals, Says Minister
Italian Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin said he hopes there can be a discussion based on science about the renewed role of nuclear, specifically small modular reactors, in the country's future.
Poland's Nuclear Programme Making Good Progress, Says IAEA
An International Atomic Energy Agency review mission has praised steps taken to develop the necessary infrastructure for a safe and sustainable nuclear power programme in Poland. Meanwhile, Bechtel marks the start of site field work for the country's firs
Nükleer Füzyonda Büyük Atılım: Sınırsız Temiz Enerjinin Önündeki Kritik Engel Aşılıyor
Nükleer füzyondan enerji üretmenin önündeki en kritik engellerden ikisi aşıldı ve bilim insanları bunun neredeyse sınırsız temiz enerji üretme yolunda büyük bir ilerleme olduğunu söylüyor.
IAEA Assesses Operation of Japanese Reactor for 60 Years
Japanese utility Kansai Electric Power Company is implementing timely measures for the safe long-term operation of unit 3 at its Mihama nuclear power plant, a team of International Atomic Energy Agency experts has concluded. The team also provided recomme
Romanian President Leads Visit to Doosan SMR Production Facilities
Romania plans a small modular reactor power plant, using NuScale technology, with South Korea's Doosan Enerbility set to manufacture and supply the core equipment, including the upper reactor module.
Çin’de Kömür Kaynaklı Hava Kirliliği, Nükleer Yatırımlarını Hızlandırdı
Batı ülkeleri, sıfır emisyon hedefine yönelik nükleer enerjiden faydalanma yolunu seçerken, Çin de yoğun hava kirliliğine karşı nükleer enerjiye yöneliyor. Nitekim Çin, hali hazırda toplam gücü 30.3 gigawatt olan 26 nükleer santral ile dünya birincisi
Ghana and China to Co-Operate on HPR 1000 Nuclear Project
Nuclear Power Ghana (NPG) and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) Overseas Limited signed a cooperation and framework agreement on the margins of the 26th World Energy Congress in Rotterdam for the construction of a HPR-1000 (Hualong One) Nuclear Po
UK's NNL and Japan's JAEA Strengthen HTGR Fuel Collaboration
The UK's National Nuclear Laboratory and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency have signed a collaboration agreement on coated particle fuel, for use in high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs).
Globalde Nükleer ve Güneş Enerjisi Yükselişte, Kömür Devri Sona Eriyor
Uluslararası Enerji Ajansı (IEA) Başkanı ve IICEC Onursal Başkanı Dr. Fatih Birol, "Kömür bitiyor, doğalgaz fiyatları düşüyor, başta güneş olmak üzere yenilenebilir enerjiye ilgi artıyor, nükleer enerji santralleri geri dönüyor" dedi.
Russia to Start Construction of World’s Largest Fast Reactor in 2026, Connect It to Grid in 2032
Chennai, April 21 (SocialNews.XYZ) Russia’s state atomic energy corporation Rosatom is planning to set up a series of 1,200 MW (BN-1200) fast breeding reactors and the first one is expected to be connected to the grid in 2032, senior officials said.
Belçika parlamentosu, iki nükleer santralde kapanması beklenen reaktörleri genişleterek, santrallerin faaliyet süresinin 10 yıl daha uzatılması kararını onayladı.
Birol: Nükleer Enerji Üretimi 2025’te Rekor Kıracak
Uluslararası Enerji Ajansı (IEA) Başkanı Fatih Birol, 2025 ve 2026’da dünyadaki nükleer enerji üretiminin şimdiye kadarki en yüksek seviyeye yükseleceğini söyledi.
Canadian Budget Aims to Streamline Nuclear Licensing Process
The Canadian government has announced measures in its latest budget "to help get nuclear projects built in a timely, predictable, and responsible fashion".
Energoatom and Holtec Sign Agreement for SMR Manufacturing Facilities
The agreement provides for the creation in Ukraine of manufacturing capabilities for components for small modular reactors, plus storage and transportation systems for used nuclear fuel.
The dome of the inner containment structure has been hoisted into place on top of the inner containment walls at unit 8 of the Tianwan nuclear power plant in China's Jiangsu province.
Framatome Signs 'Multi-Billion Euros' Contracts with Sizewell C
Framatome says it "has signed contracts worth multi-billion euros" with Sizewell C Ltd for key equipment for the two reactors from the design phase up to commissioning. It has also signed a long-term fuel supply agreement.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) plans to begin loading fuel into unit 7 of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture following approval by Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority. It is not yet known when the reactor will be resta
Çin Nükleer Enerji Derneği (CNEA) bugün, Çin'in nükleer enerji endüstrisinin işletimi ve inşaat ile bilimsel ve teknolojik yenilikler açısından mevcut gelişimini özetleyen ve analiz eden "Çin Nükleer Enerji Gelişim Raporu 2024" adlı mavi kitabı yayımladı.
İngiltere, 40 Adet Küçük Modüler Nükleer Reaktör Kurmayı Planlıyor
Küresel ısınma ve iklim krizinin ortasında nükleer enerji ülkeler için bir çıkış kapısı olarak görülüyor. Nükleer enerjinin ve nükleer santrallerin geri dönüşü temiz enerjiye geçiş için önemli bir faktör olarak kabul ediliyor. Bu bağlamda Birleşik Krallık
Romania Eyes 245 mln Euro Deal for NPP Unit Overhaul Services
Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Romania's sole nuclear power plant, said it plans to engage energy solutions company Canadian Nuclear Partners to provide various services linked to the refurbishing of Unit 1 of the Cernavoda nuclear power plan
Funds Awarded to Assist Xe-100 Deployment in the UK
X-energy and Cavendish Nuclear have been granted GBP3.34 million (USD4.23 million) in funding from the UK government to develop plans for the deployment of X-energy's Xe-100 high temperature gas-cooled reactor in the country.
General Concept for Lithuanian Repository Prepared
The general concept for the construction of a geological disposal facility in clay-based rocks for Lithuania's radioactive waste has been developed by the State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant with assistance from Finnish waste management company
A new international membership organisation - the Nuclear Energy Maritime Organization (NEMO) - has been launched to bring together stakeholders involved in all aspects of floating nuclear power and nuclear mobility.
X-Energy, TransAlta to Assess Use of Xe-100 in Alberta
X-Energy Reactor Company and Canadian power producer TransAlta Corporation are to study the feasibility of deploying an X-energy Xe-100 advanced small modular nuclear reactor at a repurposed fossil fuel power plant in the province of Alberta.
Bangladesh Considering Two More Nuclear Units at Rooppur
Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said the country is keen to build two more units at the Rooppur nuclear power plant, which is currently under construction.
The nuclear heating project of the demonstration High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor-Pebble-bed Module (HTR-PM) at the Shidaowan site in China's Shandong province has been connected to the heating grid and put into operation, China Huaneng announced.
Nükleer Santraller Yapay Zeka Veri Merkezlerini Besleyecek
Yapay zeka teknolojisinin yaygınlaşması sadece ekran kartlarının üretimini ve talebini değil, aynı zamanda onlara güç sağlayan elektrik şebekelerini de etkiliyor. On binlerce GPU barındıran veri merkezleri giderek yaygınlaşıyor ve bu yaygınlaşmanın hız ke
US Shale Drillers Seek to Power Oil Patch With Small Nuclear Reactors
US oil companies including Diamondback Energy Inc. are considering small nuclear reactors to power drilling operations in Texas’s Permian Basin, a move aimed at cutting carbon emissions and ensuring reliable access to electricity.
DOE Study Finds Replacing Coal Plants with Nuclear Plants Could Bring Hundreds More Local Jobs and Millions in Added Income and Revenue to Energy Communities
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today released an information guide for communities considering replacing their retired or retiring coal power plants with nuclear power plants. The guide is based on a technical study that found transitioning from a co
Serbian President's Appeal as Country Targets four SMRs
Serbia is seeking support from other countries on nuclear know-how and financing towards its goal of getting 1200 MW of capacity from small modular reactors, President Aleksandar Vučić told the Nuclear Energy Summit.
Investment Announced to Boost UK Nuclear Workforce
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced a package of public and private investment to reinforce the country's nuclear workforce and support 40,000 expected new jobs in its defence and civil nuclear industry.
The 1400 MWe pressurised water reactor has begun delivering electricity to the United Arab Emirates' grid, weeks after achieving first criticality and bringing the four-unit plant closer to its goal of providing 25% of the country's electricity needs.
Bakan Bayraktar Duyurdu! Türkiye'nin Nükleer Santral Projesi Müzakerelerinde "3 Temel Kriter"
Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı Alparslan Bayraktar, Türkiye'nin nükleer enerji santrali projelerine ilişkin müzakerelerde rekabetçi fiyat, yerlileşme ve insan kaynağı olmak üzere üç temel beklentisi bulunduğunu, Türkiye'ye önerilecek tekliflerin mutlaka
South Korea's Ministry of Science & ICT (MSIT) has signed a memorandum of understanding with eight Korean companies to cooperate on the development of next-generation nuclear reactors.
Rusya ve İran İki Yeni Nükleer Tesis İnşası için Anlaştı
İran Atom Enerjisi Kurumu Başkanı Behruz Kemalvendi, Rusya ile ortak inşa edilen Buşehr Nükleer Tesisi‘ni daha önce teslim aldıklarını belirterek, Moskova yönetimi ile 2 yeni nükleer tesis inşası konusunda daha anlaştıklarını açıkladı.
30'dan Fazla Ülke Nükleer Enerjide İş Birliğini Artırmayı Taahhüt Etti
Nükleer enerjiye destek veren ülkeler, mevcut nükleer reaktörlerin ömrünün uzatılması, yatırımları finanse edecek koşulların sağlanması ve yeni nükleer enerji santrallerinin inşası konusunda birlikte çalışmayı taahhüt etti.
Prodigy Clean Energy and Des Nëdhé Group - an Indigenous Economic Development Corporation - have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop opportunities to power remote mines and communities in Canada using Prodigy microreactor Transportable Nuclear
Google, Microsoft and Nucor Team up on Clean Energy Development
North American steel manufacturer Nucor Corporation and US tech giants Google and Microsoft Corporation are to work together across the electricity ecosystem to develop new business models and aggregate their demand for advanced clean electricity technolo
Bill Gates' TerraPower to Fast Track First Next-Gen Nuclear Plant in US
A company co-founded by Bill Gates is about to start building next-generation nuclear power plants in the US. Chris Levesque, CEO of TerraPower, told the Financial Times that his firm will start building at a site near a coal plant in Kemmerer, Wyoming i
China’s Nuclear Energy Expansion Is Getting Even Faster
The nation has 36 reactors under development, and is expected to leapfrog France and the US to become the world’s largest source of nuclear power by the end of the decade, according to BloombergNEF.
Japan Ramps Up Drive to Restart World’s Biggest Nuclear Plant
Japan’s government is ramping up an effort to secure local approval to resume operations at the world’s biggest nuclear power plant, according to a report, amid a wider push by the nation to restart its idled fleet of reactors.
A new funding programme for nuclear fusion research has been announced by Germany's Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger aimed at paving the way for the first fusion power plant to be constructed in Germany by 2040.
Transatlantic Collaboration on SMR Regulation Expanded
A trilateral memorandum of cooperation has been signed between the British, Canadian and US nuclear regulators to collaborate on technical reviews of advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies.
Idaho National Laboratory Prepares to Operate Its First New Reactors in 50 Years
In 1951, the desert of eastern Idaho hosted Experimental Breeder Reactor-I, the first nuclear reactor to generate a usable amount of electricity. Four years later, researchers followed that success with BORAX-III, the first reactor to power an American ci
SHINE Chooses Deep Isolation Waste Disposal Technology
Fusion technology company SHINE Technologies has selected Deep Isolation's technology as its preferred solution for storage and disposal of the high-level waste that will remain as a residue after deployment of SHINE's technology for recycling used nuclea
Rosenergoatom to Extend Life of BN-600 Fast Reactor
Russian nuclear utility Rosenergoatom (part of Rosatom) has signed a decision to extend the life of the BN-600 sodium-cooled fast reactor at unit 3 of the Beloyarsk NPP. As part of the life extension programme, Beloyarsk NPP conducted a survey of the stat
Minister for the Economy, Finance, Industrial and Digital Sovereignty Bruno Le Maire announced the decision to continue with France's treatment-recycling strategy for used nuclear fuel beyond 2040, with plans to extend the life of existing recycling plant
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has started commissioning China's first industrial-use nuclear energy steam supply project at the Tianwan NPP in Jiangsu province. The project is set to deliver steam to a nearby petrochemical plant, demonstrating
Kamyonlar Tarafından Taşınan Küçük Nükleer Reaktörler Geliyor
Büyük bir mahalle veya küçük bir şehre enerji sağlamak için kamyonlarla taşınan küçük nükleer enerji reaktörleri geliyor. Bu bağlamda Nano Nuclear, uzak bölgeler için mikro reaktörler geliştiriyor.
İngiltere , nükleer enerji stratejisinde önemli bir adım atarak Hitachi’den Wylfa ve Oldbury nükleer sitelerini 160 milyon sterlin karşılığında satın aldığını duyurdu. Bu anlaşma, bütçe sırasında ortaya çıktı ve endüstri içinden ve paydaşlardan büyük bekl
8 Things to Know About Converting Coal Plants to Nuclear Power
Nearly 30% of the nation’s coal-fired power plants are projected to retire by 2035 as states continue to prioritize a shift toward cleaner energy sources.
The Sino-French TAC-1 consortium - led by China National Nuclear Corporation subsidiary China Nuclear Power Engineering and including Framatome - has been awarded a contract to assemble the vacuum chamber modules of the International Thermonuclear Experim
Rusya ile Çin, Ay'a Nükleer Güç Ünitesi Yerleştirmeyi Planlıyor
Rusya Federal Uzay Ajansı (Roscosmos) Başkanı Yuriy Borisov, Moskova'da düzenlenen bir etkinlikte yaptığı konuşmada, Çin ile Ay'a yönelik ortak çalışmalar için anlaşma imzaladıklarını söyledi. Çin ile Ay'daki çalışmalarla ilgili önemli bir projenin gelişt
The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation has announced the successful start-up by its operating and maintenance subsidiary Nawah Energy Company of the fourth unit at the Barakah nuclear power plant in the United Arab Emirates.
Nükleer Füzyonu Dengelemek için Yapay Zeka Kullanıldı
İlk kez nükleer füzyonu dengelemek için yapay zeka kullanıldı. Evet, Princeton Üniversitesi’ndeki araştırmacılar, nükleer füzyon reaksiyonundaki plazma kararsızlıklarını tahmin edebilen ve devam eden reaksiyona uyacak şekilde plazma koşullarını ayarlayabi
China's National Nuclear Safety Administration has granted an operating licence for unit 4 of the Fangchenggang nuclear power plant in China's Guangxi Autonomous Region. The unit is the second of two demonstration China General Nuclear-designed Hualong On
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd has announced that Kakrapar 4 was connected to the grid on 20 February. The 700 MWe unit reached first criticality on 17 December.
Yapay Zeka, Nükleer Füzyon Enerjisine Giden Yolda Büyük Bir Engeli Aştı
Füzyon (iki veya daha fazla atom çekirdeğinin birleşerek yeni çekirdekler ve atom altı parçacıklar oluşturduğu nükleer reaksiyon) bir enerji kaynağı olarak uzun zamandır hayal olmuştur: kirletici değildir, güvenlidir ve neredeyse sınırsızdır ve neredeyse
Rosatom scientists have completed a key stage of reactor tests on laboratory fuel samples for a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). Russia views HTGRs as important to future plans for the production of hydrogen. An engineering nuclear power statio
Dutch nuclear energy development and consultancy company ULC-Energy BV has completed a study - commissioned by global mining company BHP - to investigate the potential use of civil nuclear technologies to power commercial maritime vessels.
Construction Starts on Second Phase of Zhangzhou Plant
The first safety-related concrete has been poured for the nuclear island of unit 3 at the Zhangzhou nuclear power plant in Fujian province, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced. It is the first of two Hualong One units planned as the second
Fransa ve Bulgaristan Nükleer Enerji İş Birliğini Pekiştiriyor
Fransa Ekonomi Bakanı Bruno Le Maire ve Bulgaristan Enerji Bakanı Rumen Radev, nükleer inşaat programları, küçük modüler reaktörler ve Avrupa tedarik zincirinin geliştirilmesi alanları da dahil olmak üzere nükleer enerji alanında ikili işbirliği kurma yön
Westinghouse Awarded Contract by Dutch Government to Evaluate AP1000 Reactors
Westinghouse Electric Company has been awarded a contract by the Dutch Government to conduct a technical feasibility study (TFS) concerning the deployment of two of its AP1000 reactors at the Borssele nuclear power plant site. The announcement comes as th
Economic Impact of Nuclear to Southeast USA Highlighted
The nuclear energy industry in southeast USA generates an annual economic impact of almost USD43 billion, supporting 152,598 jobs and generating USD13.7 billion in labour income, says a study released by the Southeast Nuclear Advisory Council (SENAC).
IAEA Designates First Collaborating Centre on Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Power
The IAEA has designated the Center for Science of Information at Purdue University in the United States of America as the first IAEA Collaborating Centre to support the Agency’s activities on artificial intelligence (AI) for nuclear power applications, in
Reactor Testing of HTGR Fuel Confirms Functionality, Rosatom Says
Samples of the fuel began tests in two research reactors in 2022, with Rosatom reporting they "fundamentally confirmed the functionality of the fuel design" for high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR).
India Seeks $26 Billion of Private Nuclear Power Investments
NEW DELHI, Feb 20 (Reuters) - (This Feb. 20 story has been corrected to fix the committed investments from 1,300 MW to 13,000 MW in paragraph 7. It also corrects the capacity from 2,000 MW to 20,000 MW in paragraph 15) India will invite private firms to i
A ground-breaking ceremony has been held to mark the start of construction of the first phase of the Jinqimen nuclear power plant in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced.
Japan's Tohoku Electric Aims to Restart Onagawa No.2 Reactor in September
Japan's Tohoku Electric Power said on Monday it plans to restart reactor No. 2 at its Onagawa nuclear station around September after additional safety construction works delayed the process.
Innovative Equipment for Handling Spent Nuclear Fuel Sent to Akkuyu NPP
JSC Ruspolimet in Vyksa (Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod region) has shipped the lead transport and packaging container TUK-137T.A1 manufactured for the Akkuyu NPP under construction in Turkiye. The equipment was manufactured by Ruspolimet for Tekhsnabexport (Te
Slovakia's SMR Timescales Outlined as Project Phoenix Gets Under Way
A feasibility study, as part of the US-funded Project Phoenix, is looking into the potential for small modular reactors (SMRs) in Slovakia with an indicative timeline to 2035.
Birleşik Krallık ve Kanada Nükleer Füzyon Yakıtı Ortaklığı İmzaladı
Birleşik Krallık ve Kanada hükümetleri, ticari ölçekli nükleer füzyon projeleri geliştirmek üzere yeni bir ortaklığa imza attı. Yeni Mutabakat Zaptı, İngiltere Enerji Güvenliği ve Kanada Enerji ve Doğal Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, Paris'te düzenlenen Uluslararas
Georgia Power has announced that the new Vogtle unit 4 AP1000 reactor has reached initial criticality, with the unit's in-service date now projected to be during the second quarter of 2024.
Bulgaria and USA Sign Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
The USA and Bulgaria have signed an intergovernmental agreement to cooperate on the development of the European country's civil nuclear programme, including the plan for new units at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant.
Japan Demonstrates Floating Seismic Isolation System for SMRs
A team led by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency has concluded a series of large-scale demonstration tests for an innovative new floating seismic isolation system intended for pairing with small modular reactors to enable siting feasibility, including in area
Westinghouse, İngiltere’de Küçük Modüler Nükleer Reaktörler Kuracak
İngiltere merkezli Community Nuclear Power Limited, İngiltere'de dört adet AP300 küçük modüler nükleer reaktör (SMR) inşa etmek üzere Westinghouse ile bir anlaşma imzaladı.
Russia and India Discuss Expanding Nuclear Cooperation
A new protocol to the intergovernmental agreement on the construction of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant was signed during a two-day visit by Rosatom Director General Alexei Likhachev to the Indian plant.
NASA Completes Initial Phase of Lunar Nuclear Reactor Project
NASA has completed the initial phase of its Fission Surface Power Project, which sought to develop concept designs for a small, electricity-generating nuclear fission reactor that could be used during a future demonstration on the Moon and to inform futur
Outer dome installed on Chinese small modular nuclear reactor
The outer containment dome has been successfully hoisted into place at the ACP100 small modular reactor demonstration project at the Changjiang site on China's island province of Hainan, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has announced.
South Korea's HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE) plans to develop a small modular reactor (SMR) for use in shipping in cooperation with the UK's Core Power and the USA's Southern Company and TerraPower.
The European Commission has launched an Industrial Alliance dedicated to small modular reactors (SMRs), aiming to facilitate the development of SMRs in Europe by the early 2030s. The announcement came as the commission presented its assessment for a 2040
Rosatom'un Elektrik Enerjisi Bölümü, Yakutistan'daki Düşük Güçlü Nükleer Santralin İşletmecisi Oldu
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kuruluşu Rosatom'un elektrik enerjisi bölümünün bir parçası olan Rosenergoatom Concern AŞ, Yakutistan'da inşa edilen dünyanın ilk kara tabanlı küçük modüler reaktörü (SMR) Yakutsk'un işletmeci kuruluşu statüsü kazandı.
Environmental Permitting of Polish SMR Plant Progresses
Orlen Synthos Green Energy (OSGE) can now begin environmental and siting research for its planned small modular reactor (SMR) project in Stawy Monowskie, in Małopolska, Poland, after the country's General Director for Environmental Protection (GDOŚ) issue
Holtec Unveils Hybrid Nuclear-Solar Power Plant Design
Holtec International has announced a new power plant design which combines the benefits of nuclear with those of solar. The Combined Nuclear/Solar Plant (CNSP) features the company's SMR-300 small modular reactor, its HI-THERM HSP solar thermal system, to
NASA, Ay’da Nükleer Enerji için Gaza Basıyor: İlk Aşama Tamamlandı
Ay'da nükleer enerji hedefi doğrultusunda NASA iddialı reaktör projesinin ilk aşamasını tamamladı. Proje, 2030'ların başında Ay'da bir reaktörü çalışır hale getirmeyi hedefliyor.
EDF and KHNP in Running for Expanded Czech Nuclear Tender
The Czech government has decided to change its tender for new nuclear to binding offers for up to four, rather than one, reactors - and said that it is inviting bids from France's EDF and South Korea's KHNP. The third bidder, Westinghouse, is currently no
The CA20 module has been installed at unit 1 of China’s Xudabao NPP in Liaoning province. The massive 1000- tonne module, which will comprise plant and equipment for used fuel storage, transmission, the heat exchanger and waste collection, among other thi
Akkuyu NGS Ekipmanları St. Petersburg Şehrinden Köprüler Aracılığıyla Getirildi
Mersin'de inşa edilen Akkuyu Nükleer Güç Santrali'nin (NGS) 1'inci Güç Ünitesi için üretilen ekipmanlar, Rusya'nın St. Petersburg şehrinde bulunan donmuş Neva Nehri'nin üzerinden açılan köprüler aracılığıyla geçirildi.
New Nuclear Future for Berkeley Nuclear Power Station Site
A former nuclear power station site is to be redeveloped for a new kind of nuclear technology. Berkeley, in Gloucestershire, was home to a Magnox reactor from 1962 to 1989. The site is now owned by South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS), who hav
The largest and heaviest module - the CA20 - has been installed at unit 1 of the Xudabao nuclear power plant in China's Liaoning province, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) subsidiary China Nuclear Industry 23 Construction Company Limited (CNI23)
Nukem Completes Mock-Up of Waste Cementation System
Germany's Nukem Technologies Engineering Services GmbH - a subsidiary of Russia's TVEL - announced that the experimental setup for its state-of-the-art in-barrel cementation facility has been successfully completed.
Halushchenko: Khmelnitsky Can Become Europe's Most Powerful Nuclear Plant
Ukraine's Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko says that the process of adding four new units at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant will start this year.
The installation of the inner and outer parts of the steel structures of the 215-tonne passive heat removal system was completed in two days on Rooppur 2 in Bangladesh, Rosatom says.
Canadian firm Prodigy Clean Energy and US-based Westinghouse are designing a transportable NPP (TNPP) featuring a Westinghouse eVinci microreactor with the aim of launching the first project in Canada by 2030. The TNPP will comprise 5 MWe eVinci microreac
The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) announced it has launched a tender for a domestic nuclear fuel assembly fabrication facility for the Barakah NPP. "Over the past 18 months, we have been conducting an extensive review into the needs of the UA
France and India to Discuss Accord on Small Nuclear Reactors
Electricite de France SA and India’s Department of Atomic Energy are likely to complete a preliminary agreement to collaborate on the so-far largely unproven technology as French President Emmanuel Macron visits New Delhi this week.
"Nötrino Detektörü" Projesiyle Nükleer Santrallerde Güvenliğin Artırılması Hedefleniyor
Küresel enerji ihtiyacının yüzde 10'unundan fazlasını karşılayan nükleer enerji alanında santral güvenliği giderek önem kazanırken, Türkiye de bu alanda yeni projelere imza atıyor. Bu kapsamda İstinye Üniversitesinde nükleer reaktörlerin termal gücünü ölç
Mısır'daki El-Dabaa NGS'nin 4. Güç Ünitesi'nde Ana İnşaat Aşamasına Geçildi
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kuruluşu Rosatom'un mühendislik biriminin üstlendiği Mısır'da inşa edilen El-Dabaa Nükleer Güç Santrali'nin (NGS) 4. ünitesinin temel plakasına ilk beton döküldü.
İngiltere, Nükleer Enerji İçin 800 Milyon Sterlin Daha Taahhüt Ediyor
İngiltere hükümeti , Suffolk’ta önerilen Sizewell C nükleer enerji santrali için 20 milyar sterlinlik projeye dış yatırımcıları çekmeye çalışıyor. Geçtiğimiz günlerde, hükümetin projeye destek olarak fazladan 800 milyon sterlin taahhüt ettiği belirtildi.
Rosatom 4. Nesil BREST-OD-300 Reaktörünün Kurulumuna Başladı
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kuruluşu Rosatom, Batı Sibirya'da bulunan Tomsk Bölgesi'ndeki Seversk kentinde yer alan Pilot Tanıtım Enerji Kompleksi (PDEC) sahasında BREST-OD-300 reaktörünün kurulumuna başlandığını bildirdi.
Newcleo and NAAREA Partner to Support Fast Reactor Development
UK-based nuclear technology company newcleo has announced a strategic and industrial partnership with France's NAAREA designed "to support all players in their industrial, technological, scientific and regulatory development" of Generation IV fast neutron
Canadian regulators have concluded that there are no fundamental barriers to licensing the Xe-100 small modular reactor, X-Energy Reactor Company has announced.
With the Netherlands planning an expansion of its use of nuclear energy, various parties in the Dutch nuclear and education sectors have signed a declaration of intent aimed at boosting vocational education in nuclear technology.
OpenAI'ın CEO'su, Geleceğin Yapay Zekasının Nükleer Füzyona İhtiyaç Duyacağını Söylüyor
OpenAI'ın CEO'su Sam Altman'a göre gelecekteki yapay zekanın muazzam enerji ihtiyacını karşılamak için nükleer füzyonda çığır açıcı bir adım atılması gerekiyor.
The first of two core makeup tanks has been successfully hoisted into place at unit 3 of the Sanmen nuclear power plant in China's Zhejiang province. The tanks are an important part of the CAP1000 reactor's passive safety system.
The Sizewell C nuclear power plant project has been awarded a Development Consent Order (DCO), paving the way for formal construction work to begin at the site in Suffolk, UK.
Çin Nükleer Batarya Teknolojisi Üretti | Devrim Niteliğinde Gelişme
Çin nükleer batarya teknolojisi büyük ses getirdi. Çin merkezli şirket Betavolt, akıllı telefonlar, dronlar ve tıbbi cihazlar gibi teknolojik cihazlar için devrim niteliğinde bir nükleer batarya geliştirdi. Bu yeni batarya teknolojisi, 50 yıl boyunca şarj
UK Releases Roadmap to Quadruple Nuclear Energy Capacity
The British government has launched a roadmap for reaching its ambition for the UK to have 24 GWe of nuclear generating capacity by 2050, representing about 25% of the country's projected electricity demand.
Fransa, 2035 yılına kadar fosil yakıt kullanımını yüzde 60’tan yüzde 40’a düşürmek istiyor. Bunun için ülke nükleer enerjiye daha fazla rol düşeceğini düşünüyor. Bunun için Fransa , mevcut plandaki 6 adetlik nükleer enerji santralini artırmak için düğmeye
İngiliz Hükümeti, Nükleer Enerjide "70 Yılın En Büyük Büyüme Planını" Açıkladı
İngiliz hükümetinin, nükleer enerjide "70 yılın en büyük genişleme planı" olarak nitelendirdiği yeni yol haritasında, nükleer enerji kapasitesini 2050'ye kadar 4 kata kadar artırmayı hedeflediği bildirildi.
EDF, in its annual fleet update, said it plans to invest a further £1.3bn ($1.65bn) in the UK’s five generating NPPs over 2024-26, taking the total invested in the fleet to nearly £9bn since 2009. EDF Energy manages the UK’s eight nuclear power station si
Licences Issued for Main Stage of Leningrad 7 and 8 Construction
Russian nuclear regulator Rostekhnadzor has issued licences to Rosatom for the construction of nuclear installations for Leningrad nuclear power plant's proposed units 7 and 8.
Colorado Study Recommends Nuclear to Replace Coal Plant
A study of clean energy alternatives led by the Pueblo Innovative Energy Solutions Advisory Committee (PIESAC) found that only advanced nuclear could make the community "whole" from the losses it will suffer from the closure of the last unit at the Comanc
Doç. Dr. Ozan Emre Eyupoğlu, "Mayıs 2022 denemesinde, 20 saniye boyunca güneşten 10 kat daha fazla sıcaklık olan 160 milyon santigrat dereceye ulaşıldı." dedi.
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) programme for a possible operating licence extension and power uprating of units 1 and 2 at the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant has been submitted by Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) to Finland's Ministry of Economic Af
Belgium has a robust national infrastructure for the management of radioactive waste and used fuel, an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission has said, and recommended the development of consolidated policies for specific waste streams and for
The UK government has announced it will invest GBP300 million (USD381 million) to launch a high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) programme, making the UK the first country in Europe to launch such a nuclear fuel programme.
İngiltere'den Nükleer Enerji İçin 300 Milyon Sterlin Yatırım
İngiltere, 300 milyon sterlin yatırımla yüksek teknolojili bir nükleer yakıt tesisi kuracağını duyurdu. Bu tesis, ülkenin 2050 yılına kadar 24 GW’a kadar temiz nükleer enerji elde etme hedefinin bir parçası olarak gelişmiş nükleer reaktörler için özel yak
Nuclear Icebreakers Help Northern Sea Route to Record Year
A new record for cargo transported via Russia's Northern Sea Route was set in 2023 with existing nuclear icebreakers providing more than 730 vessel support services. Work continues to progress on two more nuclear-powered icebreakers.
Canadian Collaboration to Explore Isotope Production for Space Exploration
The Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council (CNIC) and nuclear innovation company Nuclear Promise X (NPX) will explore the feasibility of using Canadian nuclear reactors to produce plutonium-238 (Pu-238) for use in deep space exploration.
Akkuyu, Türk İş Dünyası İçin Referans ve Hazırlık Fırsatı Oldu
Rosatom'un Mersin'de inşa ettiği Akkuyu Nükleer Güç Santrali'nde (NGS), ilk ünitenin devreye alınması için geri sayım sürüyor. Nükleer Düzenleme Kurumu'nun (NDK), inşaat projesini yürüten Akkuyu Nükleer A.Ş'ye ilk güç ünitesini devreye almak için gerekli
The construction of two Hualong One reactors at each of the Taipingling and Jinqimen sites was approved by China's State Council at a 29 December meeting. Meanwhile, various milestones have been reached in the construction of other Chinese units.
'No Abnormalities' Reported at Japanese Nuclear Plants Following Earthquake
Japanese nuclear power plant operators have reported some minor damage, but no public safety issues, following the 7.6 magnitude earthquake which struck Ishikawa Prefecture on Monday.
Estonya, Nükleer Enerjiyle Yeni Bir Döneme Hazırlanıyor
Nükleer enerji, Estonya’da enerji dengesi, iklim hedefleri ve arz güvenliği açısından önemli bir katkı sunabilir. Ulusal çalışma grubu, nükleer enerjinin ülkenin sürdürülebilir enerji hedeflerini artırabileceğini vurguluyor.
Japonya: Dünyanın En Büyük Nükleer Santrali Yeniden Faaliyete Geçiyor
Japonya yönetimi, dünyanın en büyük nükleer santralinin faaliyet yasağını kaldırdı. Tesisin açılması için Niigata vilayeti, Kashiwazaki şehri ve santralin bulunduğu Kariwa köyünün yerel yönetimlerinin onayı gerekiyor.
Rosatom’un Yüzer Nükleer Santrali Üretiminin 4. Yılında
Rus Rosatom’un yüzer nükleer termik santrali Akademik Lomonosov, şebekeye bağlanmasından bu yana elektrik şebekesine yaklaşık 722 milyon kW/saat elektrik sağladı.
The loading of fuel into the core of unit 4 of the Barakah nuclear power plant in the UAE has been completed, operator Nawah Energy Company has announced.
Çin'de Dünyanın İlk Dördüncü Nesil Nükleer Santrali Devreye Girdi: Reaktörün Avantajları Neler?
Çin, dünyanın ilk dördüncü nesil nükleer reaktörünü devreye aldığını açıkladı. HTR-PM yüksek sıcaklıklı, gaz soğutmalı, çakıl yataklı reaktörünün bu ayın başlarında faaliyete geçtiği bildirildi.
Indian Regulator Gives Go-Ahead for Reactor Start-Up
The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has given its permission for the first approach to criticality of unit 4 at the Kakrapar nuclear power plant. The unit is the second of two Indian-designed 700 MWe pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWRs) being bu
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) has been contracted to conduct a feasibility study into the construction of two Korean-supplied reactors at the Borssele nuclear power plant site in the Netherlands. The contract comes as the South Korean and Dutch gover
Uluslararası Enerji Ajansı (IEA) Başkanı Fatih Birol, nükleer enerjinin Türkiye'nin olmazsa olmazı olduğunu belirterek, Fransa ile bu konuda işbirliği olanaklarının olabileceğini kaydetti.
Türkiye'nin elektrik arz güvenliğini teminat altına almak için olmazsa olmazlardan birisi nükleer enerji… Düşünsenize, yağmur-kar olmazsa barajda su yok, elektrik üretemiyorsunuz. Güneş çıkmazsa, rüzgâr esmezse santralde elektrik olmuyor.
The European Council has adopted its position on the proposed Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), which is intended to bolster Europe's manufacturing output in technologies needed for decarbonisation. As with the European Parliament's position, issued last mont
Hyundai Engineering and the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on the commercialisation and export of the Korean-designed SMART small modular reactor (SMR) overseas.
Poland's Ministry of Climate and Environment has issued decisions-in-principle for the construction of power plants based on GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy's BWRX-300 small modular reactor (SMR) at six locations. A total of 24 BWRX-300 reactors are planned at
Erdoğan: Sinop'ta İnşa Edilecek Nükleer Santralden Yunanistan'a İmkan Tanıyabiliriz
Yunanistan ziyareti sonrasında soruları yanıtlayan Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, "İşbirliğini sadece enerji alanında değil nükleer enerji dahil tüm alanlarda geliştirmenin, genişletmenin gayreti içindeyiz" dedi.
Hungary Aims to Extend Life of Paks Nuclear Plant by 20 Years
The operator of the Paks nuclear power plant in Hungary has notified the European Union of the country's intention to extend the operating lifetime of the four units to 70 years.
Unit 2 of the Shin Hanul nuclear power plant in South Korea has attained a sustained chain reaction for the first time, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) announced. The unit is the second of two APR-1400 reactors at the site, with a further two planned.
Çin’de Yüksek Güvenlikli Nükleer Reaktör Elektrik Üretmeye Başladı
China Huaneng Group, Tsinghua Üniversitesi ve Çin Ulusal Nükleer Şirketi tarafından ortaklaşa geliştirilen dünyanın ilk dördüncü nesil nükleer enerji santrali Shidaowan yüksek sıcaklıklı gaz soğutmalı reaktörü (HTGR) bugün Çin’de resmi olarak üretime başl
Fortune ’ın haberine göre Bill Gates'in şirketi TerraPower ile BAE'nin devlete ait nükleer şirketi Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) arasındaki anlaşma dün imzalandı.
Hot conditioning of unit 7 at the Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant has been completed, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd has announced. The unit is the third in a series of indigenously designed 700 MWe pressurised heavy water reactors.
Sweden's parliament has approved a bill that will clear the way for new nuclear power in the country by removing the current limit on the number of nuclear reactors in operation, as well as allowing reactors to be built on new sites.
The nuclear energy industry will be highly visible at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28), taking place in Dubai over the coming weeks, World Nuclear Association Director General Sama Bilbao y León told delegates at the World Nuclear Exhibition 202
EDF Agreements with Canadian, Czech and Indian Firms
French energy company EDF signed cooperation agreements relating to the potential deployment of its technology, and the involvement of local supply chains, in Canada, the Czech Republic and India on the first day of World Nuclear Exhibition 2023 in Paris.
Chinese Long-Distance Nuclear Heating Project Begins Operation
China's first project to bring nuclear-generated heat to multiple prefecture-level cities has begun operation in Shandong province, supplying heat from the Haiyang nuclear power plant to the cities of Haiyang and Rushan through a 23 km pipeline.
Dünyanın Tek Yüzer Nükleer Güç Santraline İlk Yakıt İkmali Başladı
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kuruluşu Rosatom, Rusya'nın doğusundaki Çukotka bölgesinin Pevek kentinde yer alan dünyanın tek yüzer nükleer güç santrali (NGS) Akademik Lomonosov'a ilk nükleer yakıt ikmalinin başladığını bildirdi.
South Korea, UK Agree to Bolster Nuclear Cooperation
A new Clean Energy Partnership between the UK and South Korea, together with nine memorandums of understanding regarding cooperation in nuclear energy, have been signed during a state visit by Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol to the UK. The construction of
The Big Question: IEA Boss Shares Candid Views on Climate Reality
Are climate goals still reachable? The executive director of the International Energy Agency speaks to Euronews Business' Angela Barnes about whether the transition to net-zero by 2050 is really possible.
Sweden Plans 'Massive' Expansion of Nuclear Energy
The Swedish government unveils a roadmap which envisages the construction of new nuclear generating capacity equivalent to at least two large-scale reactors by 2035, with up to ten new large-scale reactors coming online by 2045.
The Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) said it had reached its decision to issue the licence after conducting a thorough assessment of the application documentation, conducting robust regulatory oversight and inspections in the areas of safet
ABD ve Filipinler Nükleer Enerji İş Birliği Paktı İmzaladı
ABD, Filipinler ile daha temiz enerjiye geçiş ve enerji kaynağını artırmak amacıyla bu ülkeye yatırım yapmasına imkan tanıyan nükleer iş birliği paktı imzaladı.
Construction has started of the nuclear island for unit 1 at the Xudabao nuclear power plant in Liaoning Province, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced.
WANO is a not-for-profit international organisation established in 1989 by the world's nuclear power operators to exchange safety knowledge and operating experience among organisations operating commercial nuclear power reactors.
Work Begins to Secure Low-Level Waste Vaults at UK’s Drigg Repository
Nuclear Waste Services (NWS), part of the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), has begun work on the final capping of historic trenches and vaults which are now full and ready for permanent closure at the UK’s low-level radioactive waste (LLW) repo
Construction Schedule Agreed for Paks II in Hungary
Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and Rosatom's Director General Alexei Likhachev have signed an agreement on the schedule for the construction of the Paks II nuclear power plant.
UK Regulators Consider Application of AI In Nuclear Sector
The UK's Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the Environment Agency have completed a project piloting a nuclear regulatory sandbox process, using artificial intelligence (AI) as the test case.
The US Department of Energy (DOE) and the UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) have announced a new strategic partnership to accelerate the demonstration and commercialisation of fusion energy.
Consortium to Speed up Development Of Lead-Cooled SMRs
Five partners from Belgium, Italy, Romania and the USA have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on the development, demonstration and commercialisation of lead-cooled small modular reactors (SMRs).
Location of Poland's First Nuclear Power Plant Approved
The Pomeranian Voivode (governor) Dariusz Drelich has issued a decision determining the location of investments in the construction of Poland's first nuclear power plant.
Enerji bağımsızlığı için kent çevrelerinde ‘mikro nükleer reaktör’ler geliştirilecek. Günlük 5 bin ila 150 bin konutun elektrik ihtiyacını karşılayacak reaktörlere 5 milyon TL destek verilecek
Bulgaria to Push Ahead with Two New Units at Kozloduy
The Council of Ministers in Bulgaria has given the go-head for the construction of the new unit 7 and preparatory work for unit 8 at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant, with both to feature AP1000 reactors.
IEA Sees Increasing Role For Nuclear In Energy Transition
"A changing policy landscape is creating opportunities for a nuclear comeback," according to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in the latest edition of its World Energy Outlook
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd started loading the first fuel into the core of the pressurised heavy water reactor unit on 20 October, after receiving permission from India's Atomic Energy Regulatory Board.
Nuclear Companies Sign Up For Space Technology Missions
With nuclear technology set to underpin new developments in space travel, NASA has awarded Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation a contract to manufacture and test fuel and develop the design of a nuclear thermal propulsion engine for near-term missions
France and Brazil are looking to "rebuild cooperation" in the energy sector with an emphasis on nuclear energy, after energy ministers from the two countries held talks in Paris.
Nuclear Fusion: New Initiatives Outlined at IAEA's FEC 2023 Conference
The first edition of World Fusion Outlook and plans to form a World Fusion Energy Group - as well as updates on progress across the industry and new investment from the UK hosts - have been unveiled at the 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference.
Floating Nuclear Power Plant Set For First Refuelling
Nuclear fuel has been delivered to Russia's floating nuclear power plant Akademik Lomonosov with the landmark refuelling set to begin before the end of the year.
Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı, Belçika ile İş Birliği Yaparak Nükleer Enerji Zirvesi Düzenleyecek
Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı (UAEA), net sıfır emisyon hedefine ulaşmada nükleer enerjinin rolüne dikkat çekmek üzere Belçika'yla iş birliği yaparak önümüzdeki yıl 21-22 Mart tarihlerinde Brüksel'de bir nükleer enerji zirvesi düzenleyeceğini duyurdu.
In the latest edition of its annual Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2050, the IAEA has revised upwards its global growth projections for a third straight year.
Enerji Bakanı Bayraktar: Akkuyu Nükleer AŞ, Bir Türk Şirketidir
Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı Alparslan Bayraktar, "Akkuyu Nükleer AŞ, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin vergi mevzuatına, hukuk kurallarına göre çalışan bir şirket, bir Türk şirketidir" dedi.
Akkuyu NGS'nin İlk Reaktörü 29 Ekim 2024'te Devreye Girecek
Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı Alparslan Bayraktar, Akkuyu Nükleer Güç Santrali’nin (NGS) ilk reaktörünün devreye alınmasına ilişkin, "Önümüzdeki yıl inşallah Cumhuriyetimizin 101'inci yılı, '29 Ekim 2024' diye bir tarih hedefimiz var" dedi.
Güney Kore'de 'Shin-Hanul 2' Adlı Nükleer Reaktörün Test Çalışmaları Başladı
Yonhap'ın, Güney Kore nükleer enerji firması Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) tarafından yapılan açıklamaya dayandırdığı haberinde, 1,4 gigawatt gücündeki reaktöre geçen hafta yakıt yüklendiği ve test çalışmalarına başlandığı belirtildi.
Bill Gates, Microsoft’u Nükleer Enerjiyle Yeşillendirmek İstiyor
Teknoloji devi Microsoft, nükleer enerjiye yatırım yaparak yapay zeka alanında öncü olmayı ve veri merkezlerinin çevresel etkisini azaltmayı hedefliyor. Şirketin kurucusu ve eski CEO’su Bill Gates, nükleer enerjinin iklim değişikliğiyle mücadelede kilit b
Belçika 2 Nükleer Reaktörün Faaliyet Süresini 10 Yıl Daha Uzatıyor
Belçika, daha önce kapatılması planlanan "Tihange 3" ve "Doel 4" adlı nükleer reaktörlerin faaliyet sürelerinin 10 yıl uzatılması konusunda enerji şirketi Engie ile anlaşma sağladı.
Rosatom and the Government of Russia’s Chukotka Autonomous Okrug signed an agreement at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum to co-operate in deployment of a low-power NPP (ASMM) using a Shelf-M reactor plant.
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued its Final Safety Evaluation Report (FSER) for Kairos Power's application to build the Hermes molten salt test reactor at a site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Operating Permit Issued for Chinese Molten Salt Reactor
The Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been granted an operating licence for the experimental TMSR-LF1 thorium-powered molten-salt reactor, construction of which started in Wuwei city, Gansu province, in S
UK-based Rolls-Royce SMR says a joint feasibility report produced with Sumitomo Corporation shows its small modular reactors have an advantage over other available sources for the production of hydrogen.
Fortum, Westinghouse Study New Build Opportunities
Finnish utility Fortum and Westinghouse Electric Company of the USA have signed a memorandum of understanding to explore prerequisites for the development and deployment of new nuclear in Finland and Sweden.
The CA03 module - weighing about 230 tonnes - has been hoisted into place at unit 3 of the Haiyang nuclear power plant in China's Shandong province. Together with the CA02 module, the CA03 makes up the in-containment refuelling water storage tank.
Amerika, Rusya ile Çin'in elini zayıflatmak ve Asya'daki etkinliğini artırmak için yeni bir hamleye hazırlanıyor. ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığının Avrupa, Avrasya ve Orta Asya Destek Programları Koordinatörü Mana Long,yenı stratejik adımlarını açıkladı.
Uluslararası Enerji Ajansı (UEA) Başkanı Fatih Birol, G-7 Zirvesi'ni ve devlet başkanlarıyla gerçekleştirdiği toplantıyı değerlendirdi. Zirvede temiz enerjiye geçiş sürecine ve Türkiye'nin potansiyeline değinen Birol, nükleer enerjinin Türkiye için olmazs
Türk Reasürans'ın sunduğu uzmanlaşmış underwriting tecrübesi, etkin risk yönetim hizmetleri ile 1,5 yıl süren ve ilgili paydaşlarla yapılan teknik, hukuki ve operasyonel çalışmaları sonrasında Türk Reasürans'ın teknik işleticiliğini yaptığı Özel Riskler Y
Rusya'nın Davosu St. Petersburg Uluslararası Ekonomik Forumu (SPIEF), bu yıl 14-17 Haziran'da düzenlenecek. SPIEF CEO'su Alexey Valkov, Türk firmalarının ambargo uygulayan ülkelerin firmaların yerini aldığım belirtti.
Korea Looks to Deploy NuScale SMR for Hydrogen Project
Korean private company GS Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Uljin County in North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, to consider the use of NuScale Power's small modular reactor (SMR) technology to provide heat and power to the pla
Çin, inşa edilmekte olan nükleer enerji santralleriyle dünya liderliğini koruyor. Çin Nükleer Enerji Birliği tarafından yapılan açıklamada, şu anda 24 nükleer enerji ünitesinin inşa sürecinde olduğu ve bu sayede ülkenin nükleer enerji alanında dünya lider
Nükleer füzyonla enerji üretimi üzerine 1940'lardan beri araştırmalar yapılıyor. Henüz füzyon santralleri kurmaktan çok uzak olsak da uzun yıllardır yapılan çalışmalar sonuç vermeye başladı.
US-Korean Partners to Build SMR-Powered Hydrogen Production Facility
Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) of the USA has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with South Korea's Hyundai Engineering and SK E&C to conduct joint research and development for the commercialisation of Hydrogen Micro Hubs over the next five
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Çankaya Köşkü'nde A Haber, ATV, A Para ve A News ortak canlı yayınında gazetecilerin sorularını yanıtladı. Muhalefetin Mersin'deki Akkuyu Nükleer Güç Santrali'ni durduracağı iddiasına ilişkin soruyu yanıtlayan Erdoğan, muhalefetin
ThorCon Submits Paperwork for Indonesia’s First Nuclear Power Plant
PT ThorCon Power Indonesia (TPI), a subsidiary of United States-based nuclear power plant company ThorCon, has submitted a consultation paper to build a 500-megawatt thorium molten salt reactor (MSR) in Indonesia.
The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to cooperate in research and development for remote handling and the maintenance of future fusion power plants.
China and Russia Sign Fast-Neutron Reactors Cooperation Agreement
Russia's Rosatom and China's Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) have signed a Comprehensive Programme for Long-Term Cooperation in the field of fast-neutron reactors and closing the nuclear fuel cycle.
Finland, Sweden and Ukraine Consider Rolls-Royce SMRs
Britain's Rolls-Royce SMR has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) to explore the deployment of its small modular reactor (SMR) in Finland and Sweden, as well as to help post-war recovery in Ukraine.
NIA Urges UK to be World Leader in Nuclear-Derived Synthetic Fuels
A NEW report from the Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) is urging the UK to take the lead in the production of synthetic fuels using nuclear energy to help hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as aviation and shipping reach low emission targets.
İngiltere Ay'a nükleer reaktör gönderecek Birleşik Krallık hükümeti, Ay'da nükleer reaktör inşa etmesi için Britanyalı lüks otomobil üreticisi Rolls-Royce'u seçti.
The USA and Indonesia have announced a strategic partnership to help Indonesia develop its nuclear energy programme, supporting Indonesia's interest in deploying small modular reactor (SMR) technology to meet its energy security and climate goals.
Türkiye Offers Key Lessons to African States Pursuing Nuclear Energy: Officials
Türkiye offers key lessons to newcomer states including in Africa that are pursuing nuclear energy development, the deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Thursday.
UK, US Scientists to Collaborate on Fusion Materials Research
The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have entered a strategic research partnership to better understand the performance and behaviour of materials required for...
AB üyesi ülkelerin enerji bakanları, dönem başkanı İsveç'in başkenti Stokholm'de bir araya geldi. Toplantı sırasında Fransa, Hollanda, Polonya, Macaristan, Bulgaristan, Hırvatistan, Çekya, Finlandiya, Romanya, Slovakya ve Slovenya bakanları, nükleer ener
Japan Eyes Accelerating Fusion Reactor Construction: Report
TOKYO (Bloomberg): Japan is considering bringing forward construction of a prototype fusion nuclear reactor, according to a local report, the latest step by the nation to adopt atomic energy to hit ambitious green goals and curb dependence on overseas fue
Özbekistan, 2019'da Hindistan ile imzaladığı uranyum anlaşması kapsamında Hindistan'a uranyum ihraç etmeye hazırlanıyor. Özbekistan'ın devlete ait şirketi NavoiUran ile Hindistan Atom Enerjisi Bakanlığı arasında
First Nuclear Plant of North India to be Built in Haryana
First nuclear plant of North India in Haryana: The first nuclear power plant in North India would be built in Gorakhpur, Haryana, according to Union Minister Jitendra Singh.
Çin’in Shandong Eyaleti’nde nükleer enerji ile üretilen ısıyı şehirlere taşıyacak ilk uzun mesafeli boru hattı inşaatına başlandı. Hat ile 1 milyon kişinin ısınması sağlanacak.
Nükleer güvenlik için önemli işbirliği Rusya ve Ukrayna savaşının nükleer bir felakete yol açmaması için Ukrayna'ya giden Uluslararası Nükleer Enerji Ajansı Genel Müdürü Rafael Mariano Grossi, Rusya'ya geçti.
TÜNAŞ faaliyetlerinin geliştirilmesi ve kaliteli hizmetin sunulması amacıyla çerezleri kullanır. Detaylı bilgi almak ve TÜNAŞ İnternet Siteleri Kullanım Koşulları, Gizlilik ve Çerezler Politikası’na ulaşmak için lütfen tıklayınız.